Over the weekend, a friend I had not been in touch with for a long time came to me on wechat and said that he wanted to talk about career planning for programmers.

As a matter of fact, I don’t know him very well, and I don’t even remember why he added wechat. I can only remember that we discussed some problems several times.

At that time, he was still working in Dachang, in charge of product work for an innovative business.

Now, he just left the big factory where he had been for two years. He was, as he put it, “optimized.”

The word “optimization” is also a slang word in the Internet industry, which usually refers to people who have been fired for some reason or left voluntarily after taking compensation from the company.

When I read the experience he sent me, he actually had a pretty good resume compared to most people in the workplace.

He had a bachelor’s degree of 985. After graduation, he was recruited by the university to work for Meituan. A year later, he moved to Baidu, his former employer.

After two years here, I’ve been promoted one level and had two modest salary changes. In general in the rules, there is no particularly bright results, but their work is still good.

This time, the company cut its business line, and the team was disbanded due to the poor development of the innovation business he used to work for. The leader left for another company, and the team members looked for opportunities within the company, many of them in other departments.

Due to the large number of people in the original team, the company’s internal digestion capacity is limited, so about one-third of the people will be dismissed, which is the optimization mentioned above.

At the same time, the company has also offered severance conditions, and those who are optimized can get N + 1 compensation.

At first, he looked at opportunities in other departments within the company, but either he didn’t like them or they didn’t have openings.

In desperation, he waits to be optimized.

After signing the separation contract and receiving the compensation, he left the big factory where he had stayed for two years. There seems to be more uncertainty about the future.

In his words, “I didn’t do anything wrong, but it just happened.”

He told me it wasn’t easy for someone like him to find a job. Although stem a few years, also is big factory, but mostly stem is move brick work, substitutability is higher, oneself a few catties a few two still quite clear.

But that’s what the job is looking for, and the company needs you to be able to do it well. Personal development and growth are your needs, not the company’s.

While many companies pay lip service to talent development, most of the time you’re on your own.

After being optimized this time, he began to think about his own career development, because he had been led by the company and didn’t have many ideas of his own, so he was relatively passive.

At the beginning of the school recruitment into the company, completely take a fancy to the company’s reputation, think it is a big factory, the future must have a good development.

When assigning departments, they just chose a direction based on their own feelings and did not conduct sufficient research. Later, he found that his field of expertise was limited to the original choice, not bad, but certainly not the most satisfying.

In my opinion, career planning is just like making product positioning. It is not to say that one step is the beginning, but the direction choice should be done well at the beginning.

When I was thinking about career planning, I would consider three points: industry, field and direction. 支那

As you all know, my first job was in a pharmaceutical company, but because the job was highly repetitive and there was no room for me to play, I stayed with that company for less than a year before JUMPING out.

Later, I worked as a hr consultant for Mercer, a Fortune 500 company. With my relatively scarce data skills in that industry, I did well until I was promoted to the consulting director. If I had continued my work, I would have become the youngest partner of Mercer at the age of 30.

Is it to continue the routine, calm step by step forward, live a life as far as the eye can see? Or do I jump out and see, what do I really want?

Then I made a diagnosis for myself:

“Step one, I stopped and started thinking about a time in my past when I was really excited or disgusted.

Step two, I asked 10 friends who were very close to me what I did with the most focus, passion and light in my eyes.

Then I took a weekend afternoon, locked myself in my room, spread out a large stack of paper in front of me, and began to write down more than 100 things I wanted to accomplish.

Then, looking at the five or six, I delete them one by one.

Finally, a piece of paper left a final note.

That one is: Influence and help others grow.

So, a few months after that afternoon, I quit my consulting job to start a business that helps young people grow.”

I found my way and my career, and that’s what I’m going to do for the rest of my life.

You may not be able to replicate exactly what HAPPENED to me, but here’s a reminder:

1. Establish your career direction early

2. Keep growing and do not make customized talents

3. Choose actively and embrace change

Many people will be confused when they reach a certain stage, either because of the choice of direction, or their own development strategy.

Many people know where they want to go, but they don’t know where the road is. Many people know there are many ways, but they don’t know which one is more effective.

When you’re young, learn to learn from the best people around you, the people at the top of your industry, and you’ll be able to think through a lot of things and take fewer detours than your peers.

If you still have some questions about this area, you can read more career cases or study materials to give yourself more information so that you can make more informed choices and judgments.

The last

There is a saying that the present is the best, can not get things can only use “not good” three words to describe, the work is lonely, but there will be prosperous. To believe that life can not be smooth sailing, there are peaks and valleys, to believe that those who do not beat us, will make us stronger, to be their own ferryman. And at the same time know a truth

“Bad birth makes up for hard work.” In addition, now is not brave, no one will describe a better tomorrow for themselves!

I have been working in first-line Internet enterprises for more than ten years and have guided many peers. Helped a lot of people learn and grow. Give you a set of personal learning framework video material free to share with you, I hope to help you!

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