
  • 1. Introduction to Benchmark
  • 2. Test the access efficiency of microservices
  • 3, the results

1. Introduction to Benchmark

As defined in wiki, a benchmark is the act of running a computer program, group of programs, or other operations in order to evaluate the relative performance of an object, usually by running a number of standard tests and experiments on it.

At present, many mature Github open source projects use Benchmark test results as performance basis. In the.NET code world, of course, BenchmarkDotNet class libraries are used. The support:

  • Programming environment.NET Framework (4.6+),.net Core (2.0+), Mono, CoreRT
  • Supported languages: C#, F#, Visual Basic
  • Operating system: Windows, Linux, macOS

    It can easily generate data and charts

2. Test the access efficiency of microservices
