Nest is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node.js Web applications. It uses modern JavaScript or TypeScript (preserving compatibility with pure JavaScript) and combines elements of OOP (object-oriented programming), FP (functional programming), and FRP (functional responsive programming). At the bottom, Nest uses Express, which makes it easy to use the various third-party plug-ins available.

Nest really solves a longstanding architectural problem with the Node.js framework, making development elegant and suitable for large projects.

4.6.5 Updated below

Bug fix

Common: File(s)Interceptor does not fill in the exception # 437 that is thrown

Core: NestFactory.create() returns any

Core: ApplicationConfig uses ExternalContextCreator in # 434

To improve the

Common: HttpException extends Error

Core: Make CORS middleware customizable (enableCors(), {cORS}) # 457

Microservices: RpcException extension Error

Websockets: WsException extends Error



Chinese document:

Project recommend

Modular agile development system based on nest architecture: