
  • Bundle: A bundle is a combination of storage data types (list, stack, array, etc.) that can be converted between data types.
  • When we want to send data from Fragment A to Fragment B, we have A problem. The data format of FRAGMENT A may become Null, 0, etc., or the data type of FRAGMENT A is not what THE fragment B wants, so we have safeArgs
  • SafeArgs is a plugin for Gradle that generates code to ensure that the data types of two fragments match and simplify the passing process
  • Steps:
    1. Add dependencies to builde.gradle of project

      classpath "android.arch.navigation:navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin:$navigationVersion"

    2. Add plugin Statement to build.gradle(Module) of your app

      apply plugin: 'androidx.navigation.safeargs' 
      Copy the code

Intent & Sharing(Switching between Activities)

  • Explicit Intent: Launch specific activity
  • Implicit intent: specifiy WHAT you want done and system chooses activity
  • Intent Action: Each Intent requires an Intent Action:
    • describe the type of thing that is to be done
  • Intent Data Type: Finds a matching app based on the Data Type
    • All activities need to be inandroidManifest.xml regist
    • <intent-filter> is used to expose that your activity can response to an implicit intent with a certain action, category or type