Brief introduction:As a core component of cloud indigenous infrastructure, container security has always been one of the core concerns of enterprises and faces new challenges in the new era. The higher and higher container application deployment density and more and more attack surfaces are warning to enterprises and cloud service providers that the construction of systematic container security capability is imminent.

The immune system of the human body guards our health all the time. The various organs and cells that make up our immune system work together almost every day to keep us safe in a world filled with harmful bacteria and viruses.

Today, we are also working to build the cloud’s native immune system, with safety genes embedded in every product and component, so that infrastructure is security. As a core component of cloud indigenous infrastructure, container security has always been one of the core concerns of enterprises and faces new challenges in the new era. The higher and higher container application deployment density and more and more attack surfaces are warning to enterprises and cloud service providers that the construction of systematic container security capability is imminent.

Fragmentation security capabilities for solving single point problems can be organically combined due to the natural integrated advantages of the cloud. Whether it is against external risks or defense against internal threats, it can bring users the ultimate security protection without feeling. For cloud service providers that provide container services, they need to build a secure and stable container infrastructure platform based on the security capabilities of the cloud platform itself, and build corresponding security protection measures for the whole life cycle of container applications from construction, deployment to operation time. For example, Alibaba Cloud Container Service ACK and Alibaba Cloud Container Mirror Service ACR benefit from the strong platform security capabilities of Alibaba Cloud. For container applications, they jointly provide rich security governance capabilities in the supply chain and runtime stages, helping enterprises to build a complete cloud native security system.

Just as human immunity grows from small to large, the primary immunity of cloud is also a process of continuous growth. Now, what has it grown into? What safety problems can be solved organically? In Forrester IaaS security capability evaluation, AliCloud container service, which gets full marks with Google, will provide enterprises with what security protection under the full cooperation with different links of the security system?

The answer is on July 16.

Click\_security, straight to the studio

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