<table border=”1″ align=”center” cellPADDING =”0″ cellpadding=”0″ Target =’ _blank’> target=’ _blank’> target=’ _blank’> Border-collapse :collapse; Table layout:fixed; table layout:fixed; Cells divide the width of the table evenly by cell. Naming specifications The name must contain letters, digits, and underscores (_) and cannot start with a number. The name must contain the corresponding content in English. Camel name is recommended

HTML file: files with the suffix.HTML HTML: Hypertext Markup Language Hypertext: images, audio, videos, and hyperlinks can be included in addition to text. It is a markup symbol in the form of

1. The basic structure of the HTML file <! <head> Header <meta charset=' UTF-8 '> Language - Encoding format <title></title> page title </head> <body> Body - Web page content </body> </ HTML > tag file end 2. Syntax < element attribute =' attribute value 'Attribute =' attribute value '> content </ element >Copy the code

1. Title HN [n for numbers 1-6] Title 2. Paragraph p

5. Text label 1. Bold b strong <b> The content to be bold </b> <strong> The content to be bold </strong> 2. Tilt I em < I > content </ I > <em> content </em> 3. Big <big></big> 4. Superscript sup <sup> Subscript content </sup> 6. Sub <sub> Subscript content </sub> 6. Special symbol & symbol name; Big space & emsp; Copyright & copy; Trademark & reg; 1. Ordered list < OL > <li> List item </li> </ OL > 2. Unordered list <ul> <li> List item </li> </ul> 3. Definition list (understanding) < DL > < DT > nouns, technical terms </dt> < DD > Explanation of nouns or technical terms </ DD > </ DL > 8. Image <img SRC =' image path 'Alt =' substitute text' width=' width 'height=' height' title=' hover prompt text '> 9. Path 1. Absolute path: the path starting from the protocol or drive letter. 2. Relative path: The path obtained from the current position. Call a subordinate by his/her first name. Target ='_self '; _blank = 0; _blank = 0; _blank = 0Copy the code
  1. Div Tag block tag: A tag that is used primarily for post-layout implementation styles and has no special effects of its own

Colspan Syntax: Steps for merging cells: 1. To determine whether to cross rows or columns, select the upper-left cell and add the corresponding attribute 2. The property value should be the number of cells occupied. 3. Delete the extra cells in the corresponding row [delete them from back to front]

< element attribute =’ attribute value ‘> Content </ element >

1. Base heading HN N1-6, paragraph P newline BR horizontal line HR 2. Text tilt EM bold Strong Big Small Small sup sub

3. Picture 4. List An ordered list

Unordered list < ul > < li > < / li > < / ul > definition list (understand) < dl > < dt > < / dt > < dd > < / dd > < / dl >Copy the code

5. Hyperlink content 6. Table 7. Div: is a box label or block label used to divide regions

Path Absolute path: the path starting from the protocol or drive letter. Relative path: The path obtained from the current position. Peer to call superior by first name.. / subordinate/who