Mysql installation

  1. Download and install
wget rpm -ivh mysql-community-release-el7-5.noarch.rpm  yum install mysql-community-serverCopy the code

2. Start the service

service mysqld restart
Copy the code
  1. Set the password
mysql -u root
set password for 'root'@'localhost'=password('root');
Copy the code
  1. Set the permissions
mysql -u root -proot
grant all privileges on *.* to root@'%'identified by 'root';
Copy the code
  1. Checking character set
show variables like '%character%';
Copy the code
  1. Checking the database engine
show engines;
show variables like'storage_engine';
Copy the code

  1. Create a user
insert into mysql.user(Host,User,Password) values("%","test",password("1234"));
Copy the code

Note: “localhost” here means that the user can only log in locally, not remotely on another machine. If you want to log in remotely, change the “localhost” to “%” to indicate that you can log in from any computer. You can also specify that a machine can be logged in remotely. ERROR 1364 (HY000): Field ‘ssl_cipher’ doesn’t have a default value

Take the following approach

Copy the code
  1. User Authorization 8.1 Logging In to MYSQL as user ROOT
@>mysql -u root -p @> PasswordCopy the code

8.2 Create a database for the user (testDB)

mysql>create database testDB;Copy the code

8.3 Granting All Permissions of the testDB Database to the Test User (all permissions of a database) :

Mysql >grant all PRIVILEGES on testDB.* to test@localhost identified by '1234'; mysql>flush privileges; // Refresh the system permission tableCopy the code

* to username@localhost identified by “password “;

8.4 If you want to assign some permissions to a user, you can write:

Mysql >grant SELECT,update on testDB.* to test@localhost identified by '1234'; mysql>flush privileges; // Refresh the system permission tableCopy the code

8.5 Granting Certain Database permissions to the Test User:

mysql>grant select,delete,update,create,drop on *.* to test@"%" identified by "1234";Copy the code
/ / test users for all databases have the select, delete, update, create, drop permissions.Copy the code

//@”%” indicates that all non-local hosts are authorized, excluding localhost. (Set localhost address to, if set to real local address, do not know whether it is possible, no verification.) Grant all PRIVILEGES on testDB.* to test@localhost identified by ‘1234’; Can.