First, environmental preparation

We need to prepare two MySql containers, so I’m using Docker here, so I need to open two MySql containers. Docker install MySql docker install MySql docker install MySql


Master/slave replication

2-1: Configure the primary server

2-1-1: Configure my.cnf for the primary server add the following

[mysqld] # mysqld # mysqld # mysqld # mysqld # mysqld # mysqld # mysqld # mysqld # mysqldCopy the code

If you start MySql the way I did above, you just need to go to the configuration folder of your associated host and create a my.cnf and write the class contents above.

For example: my startup command is as follows (should not break line, here for convenience, I give it a branch)

/docker/mysql_master/conf/my.cnf /mysql_master/conf/my.cnf

docker run -p 12345:3306 --name mysql_master -v /docker/mysql_master/conf:/etc/mysql/conf.d -v / docker mysql_master/logs: / logs - v/docker mysql_master/data: / var/lib/mysql - e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD = 123456 - d mysql: 5.7Copy the code

2-1-2: Restart the service

This command needs to be executed inside the container

 service mysql restart
Copy the code

Docker restart mysql will close the container, we need to restart the container.

2-1-3: Viewing the skip_networking status

Make sure the skip_networking option is turned OFF on the primary server, which is the default. If enabled, the slave cannot communicate with the master and replication fails.

mysql> show variables like '%skip_networking%'; +-----------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-----------------+-------+ | skip_networking | OFF | + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + 1 row in the set (0.00 SEC)Copy the code

2-1-4: Create a user dedicated to replication

CREATE USER 'repl'@'%' identified by '123456';

Copy the code


2-2: Configure the secondary server

2-2-1: configures the secondary servermy.cnf(Same as above)

Copy the code

My orders are as follows

docker run -p 12346:3306 --name mysql_from 
-v /docker/mysql_from/conf:/etc/mysql/conf.d 
-v /docker/mysql_from/logs:/logs 
-v /docker/mysql_from/data:/var/lib/mysql 
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 -d mysql:5.7
Copy the code

2-2-2: Restart the secondary server (same as above)

2-2-3: Configure information about the connection to the primary server

Configure the connection from the slave server to the master server (mysql in the container)

Copy the code

The XXXXX code above you need to replace your IP, docker view container IP command is as follows:

Docker inspect - format = '{{. NetworkSettings. IPAddress}}' containers name/idCopy the code

The thread that starts from the server

mysql> start slave;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Copy the code

2-2-4: View the synchronization status

mysql>  show slave status \G;
Copy the code


2-3: test

To test this, you can create a database on the primary server, find it on the secondary server, and you’re done.


2-4: other

2-4-1: If you want another slave server, then you just need to configure another slave server as above.

2-4-2: New secondary server that automatically saves data from the previous primary server. (Test results)


Master master replication

If you have done the master/slave copy above, the master/slave copy is easy. Let’s change the upper secondary server to the primary server as well

1, modify the above secondary server’s my.cnf file to be the same as the primary server’s (note that the server-ID cannot be the same) and restart the server

2, create a replicating user from the replicating server.

3. Run the following code on the previous master server


start slave;
Copy the code

4, test,


Four, other

The above is mainly about how to set up a MySql cluster, but there are many other problems. It is also the problem I think about in the learning process. Some friends may not be able to read the long article and just want to realize the clustering function, so I write the problem in the following.

MySQL replication and PXC

MySql has two cluster solutions, replication and PXC, which are based on replication.

Replication: Asynchronous replication is fast and cannot ensure data consistency. PXC: Synchronous replication, which is slow and provides high data consistency between multiple clusters.


MySQL replication data synchronization principle

The binary log is enabled during configuration and will be updated to this log every time we operate the database. Master and slave synchronize this log to ensure data consistency.


3, can not synchronize all data

You can configure which databases and even which tables to synchronize.


4. How to turn off and start synchronization

mysql> STOP SLAVE;

Copy the code


5. I have drawn, as I understand it, master slave, master slave, master master, copy.


6. Video explanation…

