“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

hi! Everybody is good! I am a medical examiner, a treatment department front-end code ape ๐Ÿ’, dialogue with the code, listen to the voice of their heart, looking forward to everyone’s praise ๐Ÿ‘ and attention โž•.

A lot of friends ask me why I’m called a medical examiner? What is the therapeutic department? There are two reasons for this name. The first is related to my name, wu, the wu made by Chinese grave-digger. If you have read the Royal Chinese ancient grave-digger, you must know that she is the ancient official in the examination of cadaver, or, in modern parlour, the coroner. In my mind, programmer is a sacred profession. A doctor’s duty is to heal the wounded and save the dying, and a programmer’s duty is to fix bugs and make the program work perfectly. Both are very similar, so that’s where the nickname of forensic medicine comes from.

I think my biggest change this year is probably: learned to silence, learned to bear, learned not to talk, learned to be too lazy to explain, learned to heal silently, learned that some things are no longer active.

To commemorate my passing of 2021๐Ÿ˜˜.

Wish only flag

First, I will show you my little book ๐Ÿ˜›. On February 3, 2021, I will write down the only flag for this year. The goal is to read 30 books <= Technical books 11 + other 22

Didn’t expect this year also overfulfilled, although possibly set the goal of last year, but later slowly changed the mentality, didn’t read it as a goal, but a habit, no matter how late, overtime for an hour every night before going to bed is my reading time, I started to read only for 15 minutes, half an hour later, 45 minutes later, Last hour or more.

I use tomato application recorded throughout the study time in 2021, is particularly recommended for use, keep learning and 25 minutes you will get a tomato, middle will rest for 5 minutes, then continue after the end of the day to see her so many tomatoes, particularly with a sense of accomplishment, and since then the tomato scrambled eggs don’t need to buy tomatoes, also saved a sum of money, really sweet, Ha ha ๐Ÿ˜‚

These are the books I’ve read this year, some of them several times before I know what to say ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

I like books on psychology because I want to know myself better, understand others better, and finally understand the world better. Myself sometimes puzzling depressed, sometimes recall afterwards how much he is naive, in fact, a lot of times people are our most don’t even know yourself, by reading gradually solve your question, I think only we understand himself, is likely to go to understand others, and psychology is from outward appearance to inner essence of a bridge.

Character’s biography, I also like, like Steve jobs, I think everyone should be heard, one of the founders of the company, about Steve’s book has a lot of, I saw the three jobs’ biography, “as Steve jobs”, and “innovations”, as Steve jobs is not like the book literally, finish see can become Steve jobs, My understanding is how I became myself. This book reveals Steve’s family life and career and answers the question of how Steve, so arrogant that he was ousted from Apple, became the most effective and visionary business leader in history, changing the lives of billions of people.

Share a few images from the book:

In today’s society, with the increasingly accelerated pace of life, people are also more and more keen on the pursuit of fast stimulation, with fast as the United States, the pursuit of overnight fame, a popular paper, a picture to let you know, a successful business, overnight become a billionaire, a two-hour film short video a few minutes to speak clearly… Everyone is like a clockwork, so that patience, immersion, quiet, meticulous become more and more scarce, so that “industrious” become a derogatory term, so that “focus” is ridiculed.

In fact, most of the time, life is like a chicken breaking its shell, cocoon and chrysalis change, is not a step in place. We live in fast-paced cities. Meituan takeout is available when we are hungry, Didi taxi is available when we go out, and magic mirror is available when we try on clothes. But there are still some things that have not been empowered with the progress of society, they are still the same as before, such as learning or weight loss, they still need time as before, we need to do step by step, they have not been simplified with the progress of society, but what about us? Our heart impetuous, everything around became fast, and this need to slowly adhere to things we can not accept, originally our network is a telephone line, open the page is very slow, at that time we feel normal, now open the web page does not immediately display want to hit the computer, there are many such examples. There are three articles about how to insist on doing one thing in my public account. If you are interested, you can follow my public account @front-end hunter and search for persistence.

Since ancient times, reading has always been the most basic way to acquire knowledge, understand the truth and learn how to be a man.

Listen to what someone says about the meaning of reading: ๐Ÿ‘€

  • "Detachment": Henry hurt the teacher standing on the platform, facing the audience of students, he said: “in order to defend our thoughts are not violated, and the invasion to our minds, we became silent power, we must learn to read and to activate their imagination, to cultivate our own consciousness and belief, and we need these skills to defend and maintain their own thoughts.”
  • "Yan family training ยท Mian Learning" said“The accumulation of a great fortune is better than reading.”
  • Scramble to readA man may not remember much when he reads a book every day, but he may subconsciously know what is right and what is wrong. There is something about reading that is getting into your blood, into your soul, creating a new self.
  • I think: Reading can enrich our vision, understand the law of the world operation, learn more knowledge can not only be the master of learning, skilled use can open eternal peace.

Most of the word

The word I heard most this year is “lie down and smooth inner coil”. Mr. Luo Zhenyu also mentioned inner coil in his New Year’s Eve speech “Calm and collected, Confronting his own time”

Lying down and inner roll are inseparable, the two complement each other, the so-called lying down mainly means that you don’t want to work hard, don’t want to struggle, low material desire, low consumption, buddhist life, just like hibernating bears, low energy consumption, lying down to sleep.

Like it: ๐Ÿ˜‚, a word disagree, I lie down again, ha ha, animals are so want to lie down, let alone us, ha ha

Or like it: on lying flat I admire orange cat, ha ha ๐Ÿ™ˆ

The so-called inner coil mainly refers to the phenomenon that peers pay more efforts to compete for limited resources, resulting in the decline of individual income effort ratio, which can be regarded as the “inflation” of efforts. For example, in a movie theater, someone stands up first in order to get a better view, and the people in the back have to stand up as well. Finally, everyone has to stand up to watch the movie except the people in the first row. The bottom line is that everyone loses and only a few people gain. If we don’t wake up and fight against it, and managers don’t take effective measures to prevent it from happening, each and every one of us will be a victim, and everyone’s happiness will decrease.


This year I lost two important people, one is my grandma, it happened on National Day, cerebral hemorrhage, such as I didn’t had time to meet, back to the regret of life, the other one is my friend, a front-end developer, helped me a lot, everything is so suddenly, let a person off guard, long drive project work overtime is a little bit more, later I heard there is a heart.

At that time, I was not in the state all the time, and I didn’t want to do anything. I felt that my life was so vulnerable and fragile in the face of the disease. I was a person who didn’t like chatting and didn’t have many social activities, because I liked simple things.

Death is another way of being, not an end, but the beginning of another life, where they meet again in another world.


This year also met some writing friends, like three shopkeeper, Kavin, Po, Tengge and so on, there are some big guy’s articles written particularly good, like if chuan’s source code series, A Treasure brother’s TS series, zero one article and so on, thank you very much for the big guy’s article for my help ๐Ÿ˜

This year I met little Chen Rong, thank you very much for the birthday cake that little sister Chen Rong sent me on my birthday, no matter how old, happy long live! ๐Ÿคž

There are also partners in eating chicken: Xiaokan, although we are both very good at cooking, haha, we can just have fun

Each person’s life will meet all kinds of people, always feel lost and not so terrible things before, anyway, the earth is round, one day we can meet, so break up either, or with friends say goodbye, always so naive to think that I grew up just know, some people once left side, is a lifetime, You have no chance of meeting each other, finally only you stand in the same place. So what we can do is to cherish every friend we meet in the limited time, so that our life will not have regrets. ๐Ÿ˜›


Article 17, this year in Denver is vue, target to complete this year node. Js column column, and improve the TS content more rich, directly face to face communication way, can only meet a limited, my basic life is two point one line, most of the time spent in the company, when tired to go back to sleep, Because I live very close to the company, I can go to bed in 5 minutes, so I need another way to expand my social circle, that is to keep creating, meet more like-minded friends, learn from each other, and grow together ๐Ÿ˜›

At the same time, I also run my own public account — front-end Hunter, the content is mainly divided into technology and code, only 303 fans at present, thank you very much to still accompany my 303 friends, when you accompany me, I never envy anyone……

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There is a poem called “New York Is Three Hours Ahead of California time,” which ends with the words:

Everyone has their own routine in their own time zone. Don’t be jealous or laugh at them.

They’re all in their time zone, and so are you!

Life is all about waiting for the right moment to act.

So, relax.

You’re not falling behind.

You’re not ahead.

Everything is on time in the time zone that fate has arranged for you.

I like this poem very much, it always reminds me that everyone has their own time zone, there is no need to worry, the future road, is willing to share with you! ๐Ÿค