He that will do his work well must first sharpen his tools.

I have been constantly selecting and optimizing my weapons in pursuit of maximum efficiency.

This article shares my private collection of all kinds of magic weapons. If a friend can recommend a better, that is worthy of this article.

It is divided into Windows software and development tools.

Windows software

Quick start: WOX

Quick start application + file search + various useful plug-ins (calculator, translation, quick web access, etc.). My favorite. I’m half crippled without it.

At the beginning, altrun was used, and then Listary was tried. After WOX was found, it was the most convenient, with efficiency improved by 100%.

Search tool: Everything

Look for all kinds of files in the computer. Perfect integration with WOX.

Download: IDM

Multithreaded download HTTP class file download tool, bar. Chrome downloads are hosted to IDM, baidu cloud can download offline files, break the download speed limit.

Do not BT download, use thunderbolt download or Aria2 to cooperate with the processing can be.

Screenshots: snipaste

Open source, free domestic screenshots artifact. Give me the biggest feeling is screenshots more convenient, and a lot clearer than QQ screenshots tool.

Preview tool: QuickLook

Press the space for a quick preview of the file, free app in the Microsoft Store.

Seer, which was used before, was decisively abandoned after QuickLook was discovered.

Clipboard tool: Ditto

You don’t have to worry about missing what you just copied.

Structured notes: Workflowy

Make lists,not war. I often use it to keep lists of things to do at work.

Markdown writing tool: Typora

What you see is what you get.

Texture tool: PicGo

Support a variety of chart bed, powerful function.

Picture viewing tool: 2345 Picture Viewing King

Although the name earth turtle, homebred software, have rascal behavior consistently. But it works so well. I can stand it. 233333.

Compression software: BandZIP

Player: Splash

Screen recording tool: LICEcap

Better than GifCam.

Chrome plug-ins

  1. Surfingkeys

    On Chrome, you can get rid of the annoying mouse. Vimium upgrade. My favorite.

  2. Tampermonkey

    A thousand oil monkeys in a thousand drivers.

    Powerful scripts allow you to do a lot of cool things. Such as driving, Baidu network disk cracking direct download, VIP video online analysis cracking to advertising.

  3. Salad search word – page delimit word translation

    Omnipotent web delimit word translation, open source, rich features, super dictionary, refreshing fast, support personalized Settings

    Details deleted.

    Search for a long time to find the word translation software, and double-click Ctrl can pop up the query translation page. It’s nice to use.

  4. The Denver nuggets

    New TAB page hosted for nuggets, quick access to professional content. Nuggets have become a habit.

  5. Imagus

    Hover over the image to automatically pop up the enlarged image, no longer open in a new link to see the larger image.

  6. oneTab

    Are too many tabs open, taking up memory and afraid you won’t be able to find them when you close them? OneTab solves this problem perfectly.

    Mainly used to reduce the window, save browsing history.

    For provincial savings? Is Chrome eating more memory? Adding memory is the fundamental solution.

  7. AutoPagerize

    Special need Google, Baidu, click the next page is very annoying. AutoPagerize eliminates the need to click on the next page.

  8. Google Access Assistant

    If you only need to visit Google or Google Store and don’t need to break through the walls, this plugin can be used for basic purposes. It’s free and the speed is ok.

    During the period when my yoghurt was blocked, I relied on this plugin to survive and cherish it. Long live the good people.

  9. Proxy SwitchyOmega

    HTTP, SOCKS5 proxy plug-in, easily and quickly manage and switch multiple proxy Settings. I used it for a while. It works.

  10. LastPass

    Save a lot of trouble remembering passwords.

  11. Insight.io for Github

    IDE like code intelligence and code search for GitHub by Insight.io.

    Github to see the code more convenient, with highlighting, jump.

  12. GitZip for github

    It can make the sub-directories and files of github repository as zip and download it.

    Use this when you don’t want to Clone an entire project and only want to download a single file or folder.

  13. Clear Cache

    Clearing the cache with one click saves many steps.

  14. User-Agent Switcher for Chrome

    Chrome can be converted to other browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Safari, 360, and even mobile browsers such as iOS and Android, for easy testing.

  15. Adblock Plus

    The reason I don’t use uBlock Origin is because it’s so powerful that it sometimes kills the comments section of my blog.

  16. Weibo figure bed

    Upload pictures on a page to weibo with one click. Weibo is a good picture bed. I usually use twitter graph bed to get HTTPS images.

  17. Extension Manager

    One-click management of all extensions, quick on/off, batch lightning management, intelligent sorting, right click uninstall, lock, option configuration, corner marker reminder, size layout arbitrary configuration. Fast, simple and safe.

    As more and more plug-ins become available, you need a plug-in manager. This manager is very convenient and looks good.

  18. IDM Integration Module

    Take over Chrome downloads and use IDM downloads. Generally, the Chrome extension is automatically installed during IDM installation.

  19. Huihui Shopping Assistant

    Every time the chopping festival, always open this to check the historical price.

  20. Youdao Cloud web clippings

    One click to save web content, save to Youdao Cloud notes, I sometimes use this as a kind of bookmark.

Develop relevant

IDE: IntelliJ IDEA

It’s been used for years. It’s efficient and smooth. It is also because I started from IDEA that I realized the importance of tools and went further and further on the road of torturing tools.

IDEA plug-in private collection

  1. JRebel for IntelliJ

    Hot deployment plug-ins, Java WEB development must have, save lives.

  2. Custom Postfix Templates

    My favorite. You can customize Postfix templates. A thousand words is worth more than a picture.

  3. Lombok Plugin

    Use annotations to automatically generate code, code slave liberator.

  4. RestfulToolkit

    Java WEB development requirements, no longer global search RequestMapping.

  5. Translation

    Translation plug-in, very easy to use.

  6. Grep Console

    Highlight logs of different levels to see the logs at a glance.

  7. GenerateSerialVersionUID

    Alt + Insert generates the serialVersionUID

  8. Git Flow Integration

    Git Flow plug-in, integrated with IDEA.

    ! [](http://7viho5.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/201805062146_968.png)Copy the code

  9. GsonFormat

    JSON message – > Java POJO fast conversion.

  10. Material Theme UI

    UI theme, there are three colors, depending on personal preference.

  11. String Manipulation

    String format style quick conversion: case, hump, connection string, etc.

  12. Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines

    Alibaba Java development protocol scan plug-in.

  13. FindBugs

    Identify potential problems in your code.

  14. Rainbow Brackets

    Rainbow parentheses. Automatically color braces and parentheses inside code blocks to focus more on the code.

  15. Maven Helper

    Maven plugin, after installation can view dependencies and conflicts, at a glance.

Text editor: Sublime

Sublime mainly opens faster and feels cleaner than Atom.

Database client: DataGrip

One client takes care of all major databases. No need to install Navicat, PLSQL.

Ps :DataGrip is actually an integrated function of IDEA, which has been isolated into an independent product.

SSH client: MobaXterm

Integrated SSH, SFTP, and FTP. Also can split screen and other functions, easy to use.

Terminal tool: Cmder

Ditch the Windows CMD.

API tool: Postman

Powerful API debugging, Http request tools. Automatic synchronization of personal request records.

API Management Platform

  • Hitchhiker

  • eoLinker

  • apidocjs