This update keeps links to technical articles in my browser favorites, and today brings nginx.Copy the code

Nginx is basically the preferred backend Web server. I use Ngnix for all but the first company I worked for, except Apache. It’s lightweight, has good performance, and has rich extension features.

Of course, I can’t claim to be an Nginx god. The basic setup configuration, reverse proxy, rewrite, and vhosts are fine. There was also the throttling (token or leaky bucket), load balancing, Websocket support, and so on.

The list of titles is as follows:

  • Nginx, Keepalived, LVS, F5 can be a good solution to high availability, scalability, reverse proxy + extension balance problems
  • Nginx configures IPv6 port listener and server. Configures IPv6 and Https support and approves AppStore
  • Nginx load balancing has four modes
  • Five strategies and principles of nGINx load balancing
  • Nginx server installation and configuration file details
  • Nginx Reverse Proxy and Load Balancing Deployment Guide
  • Nginx load balancing simple configuration
  • Nginx uses image_filter to generate thumbnails
  • Implementation of Nginx agent WSS protocol
  • Let Nginx support WAF protection functions in combat
  • Traffic limiting (4) Traffic limiting at the NGINx access layer
  • Nginx configures WebSocket support for WSS
  • Nginx custom log format
  • Ubuntu manually compiled install nginx-1.13.3 supports HTTP2
  • Use Swoole in Laravel to replace Nginx as the HTTP server
  • Keepalived+nginx error: The Non-Existent interface specified in configuration failed to set up a cluster
  • Nginx server HTTP 301 to jump to a domain name with WWW
  • HHVM Nginx in Ubuntu 15.04
