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A couple of days ago, Mr. Seven saw a very interesting picture in his moments. Many friends liked it on the bottom of the picture. It seems that many design students have encountered this kind of embarrassment.

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Suddenly for a long time do not contact the person asked in, there has been a kind of foreboding, then asked recently busy, basically can predict the following script.

Every designer has a lot of good friends who don’t study design. They never understand why designers are so resistant to helping others make logos.

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GOOGLE changed its logo a while ago

I made a great GIF

That’s the one down here

Del del del

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Some designer friends joked that this GIF has deepened the deep-rooted awareness of those who do not do design that it only takes five minutes to make a LOGO…

Indeed, making the LOGO is really simple in the eyes of people who are not engaged in design. Can’t you draw a small graphic in a few minutes and optimize it with your aesthetic taste? Why aren’t you helping me with this?

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Making a LOGO is not as simple as you think. Designer the work itself, with everyone’s imagination, there is also a big gap… Today, Seven is here to tell you why your designer friends don’t want to help you make the LOGO!

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1. I want to live by design

Designer is an ordinary industry, pay to get paid. It is the same as doctors seeing a doctor or teachers teaching. It is natural for people to receive money for their work. Where in the world can people not pay for their work for free?

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The work represents my level

The design works represent the design level. If I make an imperfect LOGO for you, many other people will see it after you put it into use, among which there may be real potential customers. If they see my low-standard works, it will have an extremely bad influence on my design career.

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3. Making a LOGO takes more than 5 minutes

The process of making a LOGO requires dozens of hours of hard work, hundreds of sketches, modifications for countless times, and optimization of countless details. If it is converted into overtime pay, it will cost thousands of yuan. Is it really embarrassing to ask your friends to pay thousands of yuan for your work?

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Design is not to be messed with

Play around? The designer’s occupational disease is obsessive-compulsive disorder, the occupation training since all the time, the pursuit is better, more delicate, more beautiful, we learn all the time is more serious more heart design, but do not know what is called “casually make design”.

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Design should be respected

Designer is a job to optimize the world. Designer’s hard work is to give everyone a better experience. Muji, Lingmei pens and Zippo lighters that everyone likes are all embodied in the designer’s painstaking efforts. Design itself is not a dispensable matter.

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6. Design is no picnic

Design is a very brain-burning, also very hard work, why do we call ourselves design dogs, designers work, do not eat or drink a day is common, package to do projects is daily, if you know your friend is after work, overtime and then stay up to do the LOGO for you, you will also let him free to you do LOGO?

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7. The cost of design consumables is not low

Our design is the result of our spending money to buy equipment, studying hard for years and even studying abroad. Do you know how expensive a designer’s computer is? Do you know how expensive professional tools are? Do you know how expensive markers are? To help you make the LOGO, it is our equipment and consumables that are burned. The cost is also amazing!

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8. Logos should be valued

LOGO itself is very important for an enterprise and a brand. Treating LOGO casually is not only a disrespect for the design industry, but also a manifestation of irresponsibility for one’s own enterprise.

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9. Design is a lot of work

Design is a set of very complete and systematic knowledge. It is not something that “costs nothing”. It is not only time-consuming, but also time-consuming, brain, eye, kidney and equipment.

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LOGO just can’t come out!

LOGO making itself, for a professional designer, has a very complete workflow, with fixed workload, quality standards and quotation. LOGO is not casually made out, nor can be casually made out, do not believe it, you try to do it yourself.

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Finally, Mr. Seven sincerely and sincerely said, if you are lucky enough to have a designer friend, and you need to make a LOGO, please don’t embarrass your designer friend, he won’t help you do it anyway.

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A real designer’s friend should understand the designer’s hard work and not treat him as a free artist!

Respect the design, respect the designer.