Multiple dimensions to explain the site open speed SEO optimization measures

Radware’s Spring 2014 Ecommerce Page Speed and Web Performance survey highlights the importance of ecommerce page load speed, but also points out that many websites are not using the best page SEO techniques and have significant shortcomings in page speed. So how to remedy, improve the site page loading speed?

Seo site construction gives 12 page loading speed optimization of remedial measures to improve the loading time, improve the user experience of webmaster visitors. Website operators can use these suggestions to solve the page-loading problem. Compile as follows:

Site loading speed user experience

1. Merge Js files with CSS

JS code and CSS styles were merged into a Shared file, so can not only simplify the code, and the execution of JS file, if the JS file, you need to “Get” request for many times, extend the loading speed, combine the JS file, naturally reduces the number of Get requests, to improve the loading speed.

2. Sprites image technology

Spriting is a web image processing method that combines all the bits and pieces of a page into one large image and displays them using CSS. In this way, when visiting the page, the loaded images will not appear as slowly as before, reducing the image size of the entire page, and using CSSSprites can very well reduce HTTP requests on the page, thus greatly improving the page performance. CSSSprites in China many people called CSS sprites, very early, in many large websites are useful, especially some of the ICONS that exist on all pages are used more, very good to improve the loading speed.

3. Compress text and images

Seo optimization of website opening speed, compression techniques such as Gzip can effectively reduce page loading time. Including HTML, XML, JSON(JavaScript object notation), JavaScript and CSS, compression rates can be around 70% in size. Text compression is used more, generally directly in the space on the line, and picture compression is more random, many are directly uploaded, in fact, there is a lot of compression space.

4. Delay the display of content outside the visible area

To ensure that the user can see the visible area more quickly, web pages can be lazy to load or display content outside the visible area. To avoid page distortion, use placeholder tags to specify the correct height and width. For example, WP’s jQueryImage LazyLoad plugin will not load any images below the first screen while the user is still on the first screen, but only when the user scrolls the mouse down. This significantly improves the loading speed of the visible area and improves the user experience.

5. Make sure feature images load first

A function button has to be loaded in advance, the user goes to the download page, a download takes only 8 seconds and takes 5 seconds to wait, looking for the image of the download button, who can tolerate that?

6. Rearrange the call-to-Action button

In fact, this and the above is similar, are from the user experience speed, skip the overall loading speed of the web page. The speed remains the same, but some Action buttons are advanced. Call-to-action buttons are usually designed at the bottom of the page, which is not always good for users. Purchasers need to wait until the bottom is loaded before clicking on the next Action. You can adjust the position of the CTA button or use the sliding picture button. This is the type of shopping cart added to many large shopping sites.

7. Image format optimization

Improper image formatting is a very common cause of slow loading. The correct image format can make the image shrink several times, if saved in the best format. It can save a lot of bandwidth, reduce processing time, and greatly speed up page loading, which is a common practice.

8. Use Progressive JPEGs

ProgressiveJPEGs images are a special variant of the JPEG format called “Advanced JPEG.” When you create an advanced JPEG file, the data is arranged so that when the image is loaded, it starts out as a blurry image that gradually becomes clearer as the data is loaded. It is the equivalent of an interwoven GIF image. Advanced JPEG is designed with slow networks using modems in mind, and users of fast networks will not usually notice the difference between it and normal JPEG images. For users with slow Internet speeds, this is undoubtedly a good experience.

9. Simplify code

This can be said to be the most direct method, is also used more, the web code to thin, delete unnecessary heavy redundant code, such as unnecessary Spaces, line breaks, comments, etc., including useless code in the JS code also need to remove. There may be some misunderstandings in the clearing of the annotation code, and even some keywords in it.

Lazy loading and execution of unnecessary scripts

There are many scripts in a web page that do not need to be executed until the page is fully loaded, and you can lazily load and execute unnecessary scripts. These scripts can be executed after the onLoad event to avoid impacting the rendering of important content on the web page. These scripts may be toluene of your own web page, often more are some third-party scripts, such as comments, advertising, intelligent recommendation, Baidu cloud, sharing and so on, these can be executed after the main content is loaded.


AJAX, Asynchronous Javascript +XML, refers to a web development technique for creating interactive web applications. AJAX allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging small amounts of data with the server in the background. This means that part of a web page can be updated without reloading the entire page. A traditional web page (without AJAX) must reload the entire page if it needs to update its content.

Automatic page performance optimization

Website open speed optimization, automatic page performance optimization is also with the help of tools, there are a lot of website speed tools, here Radware recommended their own RadwareFastView, also count Radware to do an advertisement for their own, here is not to say.
