When the small program is just popular, there are many small program frameworks. With more and more developers, many of them are more useful and have better performance. The framework has more and more star on GitHub and is more and more popular with front-end developers.

Want to develop a set of high quality small program, the use of framework, component library is an essential part of saving time and effort and worry, with the small program is becoming popular, a variety of different types of small program is gradually updated, including some good framework/component library.

Note: Here are the latest rankings by frameworks with the highest number of stars on GitHub

1: Taro multi-terminal unified development solution

Official website document: taro-docs.jd.com/taro/docs/R… GitHub address: github.com/nervjs/taro Star: 27.6k

Taro Jingdong open source small program framework, multi-end unified framework, support a key generation of multiple platform small program.

2: Uni-app is a cross-platform framework based on Vue.js

GitHub: github.com/dcloudio/un… Official website documentation: uniapp.dcloud.io/

Star: 27.5k UNI-App DCloud is a multi-platform framework based on Vue. js developed by the company. It supports one-click generation of APP, H5 and small programs.

3: WeUI applet – use tutorial

Weui. IO/GitHub: github.com/Tencent/weu…

Star: 25.2K WeUI is a set of basic style library consistent with the original visual experience of wechat. It is designed by the official design team of wechat for the internal web pages and mini programs of wechat, so that users’ usage perception is more unified. Small program development is the most commonly used to a framework, popular with the majority of developers.

4: Meituan small program framework MPVUE

GitHub: github.com/Meituan-Dia… Official website documentation: mpvue.com/

Star: 20.1 k

Mpvue is a front-end framework for developing small programs using vue.js. The framework is based on the Vue.js core. Mpvue modifs the Runtime and compiler implementations of vue. js so that it can run in a small program environment, thus introducing a complete vue. js development experience for small program development.

5: Componentized development framework WEPY

Making address: github.com/Tencent/wep… Wepyjs.github. IO /wepy-docs/ Star: 20.9k

Componentized development, perfect solution to component isolation, component nesting, component communication and other problems, support the use of third-party NPM resources, automatically deal with the dependency between NPM resources, perfect compatibility with all non-platform dependent NPM resource packages.

6: ColorUI- High appearance level, high efficiency small program component library

www.color-ui.com/ GitHub: github.com/weilanwl/Co… Star: 9.7K bright high saturation color, focus on the visual small program component library ColorUI is a CSS library!! After you introduce styles, you can call components according to class, and some actions that involve interaction are also written to give you ideas for development.

7: wechat UI component library iView appu

Website document: weapp.iviewui.com/ making address: github.com/TalkingData… Star: 5.8 k

IView appu p provides the same UI as iView and as much as possible the same interface name, greatly reduce the learning cost, is a set of high quality micro channel small program UI component library.

8: KBONE micro channel small program and Web end isomorphism solution

Website document: developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram… GitHub: github.com/Tencent/kbo… Star: 3.6K the underlying model of wechat applet is different from that of the Web side. It is impossible for us to move the code of the Web side directly into the applet environment for execution. Kbone was designed to solve this problem by implementing an adapter that mimics the browser environment in an adaptation layer, allowing Web code to run in small programs without making any changes.