Most complete Python tutorial | looking for station C collection 】 【 treasure

  • 1. Write at the front
  • 2. Learn Mind mapping in Python
  • 3. Data types
    • 3.1. Numeric types
    • 3.2. Sequence types
      • 3.2.1. The string
      • List of 3.2.2.
      • 3.2.3. Tuples
      • 3.2.4. Slicing of sequences
    • 3.3. Hash types
      • 3.3.1. Dictionary
      • Collection 3.3.2 rainfall distribution on 10-12.
  • 4. Operation and structure
    • 4.1. The operator
    • 4.2. Circular structure
    • 4.3. Choose structure
  • 5. The function
  • Class 6.
  • Iterators and generators
  • 8. Modules and packages
  • 9. Manipulate files
  • Abnormal 10.
  • 11. The conclusion

1. Write at the front

Python has been very hot in recent years! Grandpa Li downstairs learned how to use Python to operate Excel after reading my article. Don’t you still learn? The most complete Python manipulation Excel data encapsulation function on the web

Although my articles summarize some useful Python techniques, I often get messages from people who say that the content is good, but it is too fragmented. I would like to have a systematic collection of Python teaching. So I spent a day summarizing this article!

2. Learn Mind mapping in Python

Python mind mapping

3. Data types

3.1. Numeric types

Common Python numeric types

3.2. Sequence types

3.2.1. The string

Common python string methods and summaries

List of 3.2.2.

Python: lists

3.2.3. Tuples

Python: tuples

3.2.4. Slicing of sequences

Thoroughly understand slicing python sequences

3.3. Hash types

3.3.1. Dictionary

Python Dictionary usage

Collection 3.3.2 rainfall distribution on 10-12.

Python: collection

4. Operation and structure

4.1. The operator

Common python operators

4.2. Circular structure

Python — Loops (for loops, while loops) and exercises

4.3. Choose structure

Python branch structure

5. The function

Python functions

Class 6.

Python: Class basics

I love learning

Iterators and generators

Python iterators

A detailed explanation of how generators work in Python

8. Modules and packages

Detailed descriptions of Python modules and packages

9. Manipulate files

Python file handling: create, open, append, read, write

Abnormal 10.

Summary of Python exceptions and handling methods

11. The conclusion

Personal summary is not easy, hope it is helpful to you ~ at the same time thanks to each link behind the author! If you are helpful, welcome to like the comment collection oh!