Abstract: This article reviews the apis commonly used in the fields of face and image recognition, text analysis, natural language processing, emotion analysis, language translation, machine learning and prediction since 2018. Readers can choose the appropriate API to complete the corresponding tasks.

What a wonderful thing for engineering projects and research people to have off-the-shelf modules or tools to work with without having to access the source code or understand the details of the inner workings. A common approach is to invoke apis, predefined functions that provide applications and developers with the ability to access a set of routines based on a piece of software or hardware. This article summarizes more than 50 apis that are useful to machine learning practitioners in the following areas:

  • Face and Image Recognition
  • Sentiment Analysis (Text Analysis, NLP, Sentiment Analysis)
  • Language Translation
  • Machine Learning and Prediction

This article lists some of the leading apis for each research area in alphabetical order.

Face and image recognition

  • Animetrics Face Recognition: This API can be used to detect faces in images and match them to a known dataset of faces. In addition, you can add or remove a category from a searchable gallery, or add or remove a face image from a category.
  • 2.Betaface: This API provides face recognition and WEB services detection. The recognized features include multi-face detection, face cropping, 123 face feature point detection, face verification and recognition, and similarity search in a large database.
  • 3.Eyedea Recognition: Dedicated to providing high-level computer vision solutions, mainly object detection and Recognition. Its recognition service provides eye, face, vehicle, copyright and license plate detection. The main value of the API is the real-time understanding of objects, users, and behaviors.
  • 4 Face++ : provide facial recognition and detection services, users can call the API to train procedures, face detection, face recognition, group face, create a face set, obtain information, etc.
  • 5.FaceMark: The API can detect 68 feature points in front shots and 35 feature points in face contours.
  • 6.FaceRect: This API is very powerful and free. The API can detect faces or multiple faces in frontal and contour images and output the detection results in JSON format. In addition, the API can display the detected facial features such as eyes, nose, mouth and so on.
  • 7.Google Cloud Vision API: published on TensorFlow platform, enables models to learn and predict the content of images. In addition, it can also help users search for their favorite image and get its annotation quickly and accurately. It can also categorize ships, lions, Eiffel Towers and more into thousands of categories, detect emotions associated with faces and recognize printed words in multiple languages.
  • 8.IBM Watson Visual Recognition: This API can understand the content of an image, such as image tagging, face detection, age and gender prediction, and face similarity detection. In addition, you can use the API to develop related services for your own tasks.
  • 9.Imagga: This API can automatically assign labels to images so that images can be found. It is based on the image recognition platform service.
  • 10.Kairos: Kairos makes it easy for developers to quickly add sentiment analytics and face recognition to their apps and services.
  • 11.Microsoft Cognitive Service-Computer Vision: This API can analyze visual content in different ways based on input or user choice. For example, tag images based on content, classify images, detect faces and return coordinates, identify content in specific areas, generate content descriptions, identify text in images, and tag adult content.
  • 12.Skybiometry Face Detection and Recognition: The latest version of the API also distinguishes between dark glasses and clear glasses.

Text analysis, natural language processing and emotion analysis

  • 1.Bitext: Provides the most accurate multilingual emotional topic analysis on the market. Currently, four semantic services are available: entity, concept extraction, sentiment analysis, and text categorization, and the API supports eight languages.
* 2.Diffbot Analyze: Provides developers with tools to identify, Analyze, and extract key content and sections from any web page.
  • 3.Free Natural Language Processing Service: provides Free services including emotion analysis, content extraction, Language detection and other services. This API is also very popular in the API market mashape.com.
  • 4.Google Cloud Natural Language API: This API analyzes the structure and meaning of text, including sentiment analysis, entity recognition, and text annotation.
  • 5.Watson Natural Language Understanding: This API parses text to extract metadata from concepts, entities, keywords, categories, relationships, and semantic roles.
  • 6.MeaningCloud Text Classification: This API performs pre-classification tasks, such as Text extraction, Text markup, term segmentation, and so on.
  • 7.Microsoft Cognitive Service-text Analytics: This API detects emotions, key phrases, topics, and sounds from Text. Other API offerings in this group include Bing spell checking, language understanding, language analysis, and Web language models.
  • NlpTools: Simple JSON on HTTP RESTful web services, used for natural language processing, capable of sentiment analysis and text categorization of online news media.
  • 9.Geneea: This API can analyze supplied raw text, extracted text from a given URL, or directly supplied documents.
  • 10.Thomson Reuters Open Calais™ : Classifies and links documents to entities (people, places, organizations, etc.) based on natural language processing, machine learning, and other methods.
  • 11.Yactraq Speech2TopicsIs: This API transforms audio and visual content into topic metadata using speech recognition and natural language processing.

Language translation

  • 1.Google Cloud Translation: This API dynamically translates text across thousands of languages and allows websites and applications to be integrated with the Translation service.
  • 2.Google Cloud Speech-to-text: This API applies a powerful neural network model that allows developers TO convert audio TO TEXT and supports 120 languages and variants.
  • IBM Watson Language Translator: This API translates text from one Language to another, and also allows developers to customize model development based on their own needs.
  • 4.MotaWord: A manual fast translation platform that supports 70 languages and allows developers to query translation quotes, submit translation project documents and style guides, track project progress and get real-time activity information.
  • 5.WritePath Translation: This API allows developers to integrate WritePath into other applications, providing services such as word retrieval, submitting text Translation tasks, and obtaining appropriate information.
  • 6.Houndify: Intelligently integrate voice and conversation into the product with a separate always-learning platform.
  • 7.IBM Watson Conversation: Build chatbots that understand natural language and can be deployed on messaging platforms and websites. Other apis in this set can provide features including conversation, natural language classifiers, personality analysis, document conversion, and tone analyzer.
  • 8.IBM Watson Speech: This API provides speech-to-text and text-to-speech conversion capabilities.

Machine learning and prediction

  • 1.Amazon Machine Learning: Find patterns from data. Typical uses of the API include fraud detection, demand forecasting, targeted marketing, and click forecasting.
  • BigML: Cloud-hosted machine learning and data analysis services. Users can create a data source and create a model over standard HTTP to handle standard supervised and unsupervised machine learning tasks.
  • 3.Google Cloud Prediction: Provides REST APIS to build machine learning models. These tools help analyze the data to add features to your application.
  • 4. Co: Provides product recommendation engines for e-commerce sites, accurately predicting customer intentions.
  • Hu: TOMa: Helps developers around the world build and build commercial-level deep learning chatbots.
  • 6.IBM Watson Retrieve and Rank: Developers can load custom data into this service and use associated algorithms to train machine learning models (ranks). The service output consists of a series of related files and metadata.
  • 7. Indico: Provides text analysis and image analysis. The API is free to use and does not require any training data.
  • 8.Microsoft Azure Cognitive Service API: To provide personalized product suggestions and increase sales, the new version adds some features, such as support for batch processing, better API explorer, cleaner API interface, etc.
  • 9.Microsoft Azure Anomaly Detection API: Detects abnormal event sequence data, such as memory leaks in memory usage.
  • 10.Microsoft Cognitive Service – QnA Maker: Distills information into conversational or easy-to-navigate form. Other apis in this group provide services including academic knowledge, entity links, knowledge exploration, and more.
  • 11.Microsoft Cognitive Service-speaker Recognition: Enables applications to detect current speakers. Other apis in this group provide services including the Bing language and custom recognition.
  • 12.MLJAR: Provides services for prototyping and deploying pattern recognition algorithms.
  • 13.NuPIC: Numenta’s Cortical learning algorithm based on Python and C++ and maintained by the NuPIC community. The API allows developers to use raw algorithms to string together multiple areas and take advantage of the capabilities of other platforms.
  • 14.PredicSis: This API has great insights into big data and improves marketing performance through predictive analytics.
  • PredictionIO: An open source machine learning server built on Apache. Typical API approaches include creating, managing, and user records, retrieving items and content, and making personalized recommendations based on users.
  • 16. Rxnlp-cluster Sentences and Short Texts: Text mining and natural language processing server, whose statement clustering API converts long or Short Texts into logical groups.
  • 17.Recombee: Provides data mining, language queries, and machine learning algorithm services through REST apis.
Other apis can be accessed from Mashape’s blog and the Programmable Web site.

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