Gold, silver and four job-hopping season, offer quickly to the bowl, many front-end interview test sites, and online each knowledge point of blog articles too much, see dazzling…… So in order to sort out the essence of the common knowledge points, each point of the article control within 3, as far as possible to cover the knowledge points of the next easy to be interviewed to all the content, the article is before they have read, to determine the essence of dry goods. The article will be updated, you are welcome to recommend the essence of the article, we learn and progress together!

Records Updated in June 2019:

1. Deleted some outdated articles.

2. Vue, React, Webpack updated some interview questions for the new version.

3. Add project experience articles.


CSS layout

Dry! All kinds of common layout + well-known site instance analysis


Learning Block Formatting Context (BFC)


Flex Layout Tutorial: Syntax section

Flex Layout Tutorial: Sample article

The mobile terminal

Tencent Mobile Web front-end knowledge base

Comprehensive range of

Personal Summary (CSS3 new features)

Css3 animation optimization

High performance CSS3 animation


12 things YOU need to know about HTML and CSS


Js based

JavaScript in-depth series 15 officially concluded!


Cracking the front-end interview (80% fail series) : Start with closures

The prototype

In-depth analysis of the various difficulties in the prototype

This, apply, call, bind related questions

This, apply, call, bind

Js execution mechanism

JavaScript: Understand Synchronous, asynchronous, and Event loops inside out

This time, thoroughly understand the JavaScript execution mechanism


Crack the front-end interview (80% fail series) : Start with DOM

A collection of NATIVE JS DOM node-related apis

Various size differences in dom (offsetWidth, scrollWidth, clientWidth, innerWidth….)

Cross domain

Common Cross-domain solutions at the front end (full)

Common tool functions handwriting (throttling, stabilization, flattening, currification…)

The JavaScript series of 20 is officially over!


Full tutorial on regular expressions

Comprehensive es6

ECMAScript introduction to 6


Use: Eight pieces of code to master promise completely

Promise implementation principle: hand in hand to teach you to implement a complete promise

Generator, async/await related

Ruan Yifeng: Generator, Async, Thunk, CO series


Vue interview questions are often asked in the interview

Record interview questions that are not well answered (mostly Vue)

Analyze the internal operation mechanism of vue.js

Vue project issues and solutions that hit you hard


React interview questions and analysis

React Interview questions

React Interview Questions


Webpack for front-end interviews


Webpack4 use



Front-end modular: CommonJS,AMD,CMD,ES6

The front-end specification

Front-end development specifications: naming specifications, HTML specifications, CSS specifications, JS specifications

Mobile adaptation

Use Flexible to achieve terminal adaptation of H5 page

Vw, VH: Let’s talk about adaptation of mobile pages

Here’s what you need to know about mobile adaptation

PC Compatibility

Browser compatibility issues solution · Summary

Mobile Compatibility

Summary of mobile Web development issues and optimizations

Debugging technique

Optimized for Web Debugging – An incomplete guide to Chrome Developer Tools

Common data structures and algorithms

I have been exposed to front-end data structures and algorithms

Top 10 Classic Sorting Algorithms

Design patterns

Common Javascript design patterns in detail

Version Control Issues (Git/SVN)

Comparison of common workflow in Internet companies

Front-end deployment code issues

How do you develop and deploy front-end code in large companies?

Front-end continuous integration

Jenkins builds a strong front-end automation workflow


A minute to understand HTTPS


HTTP/2 Protocol – Feature Literacy

How browsers work

Browser working mechanism comprehensive combing

Browser caching mechanism

Browser cache knowledge summary and application

Browser synthesis

The process from entering the URL to loading the page? How to improve their front-end knowledge system by a problem!

The front security

XSS/CSRF issues: Front-end security knowledge

SQL Injection problem: Network attack technology begins with SQL Injection

Hijacking problems: Web front-end page hijacking and anti-hijacking


Front-end SEO skills summary


PWA Learning and Practice series


The front end must be Nginx

Experience in project

(For those of you who have worked in a single business but still want to show off your project experience in an interview, I have seen these and there are many best practices for similar projects. However, some video courses cost money, so you can choose by yourself.

Background management system project

Vue + Element-UI

The PC station

React16.4+ ANTD development brief book project

The Node project

Node builds the blogging system from 0

Node – from zero to actual enterprise official website

The mobile terminal

Vue development hungry

Vue develops music players

Vue developed ctrip app

Wechat applets

Pure business grade application – micro channel small program development actual combat

To be continued…

(The article is originally arranged, reproduced please indicate the source, thanks ~)