Front-end weekly is a technical weekly designed for front-end practitioners, as well as friends interested in front-end and design fields. Cheng Xiaosi will select the front-end, design field of recent relevant information, hot and technical dry goods, and share with you.

Front End Weekly issue 10

Front End Weekly focuses on technology sharing in the front end area. I hope this weekly can be your right hand and partner in your growth.

By the end of November, there are fewer than 30 days left in 2016. Every time in the feeling of time such as white horse gap, we always inadvertently ask themselves: at the beginning of the oath of their own still? That struggle more than their own, still running?

The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, followed by now.

The little lion always liked that. Although there are many versions of this saying online. And the important thing is, it’s never too late to do something you really want to do. The same goes for learning programming. Don’t let yourself leave too many regrets, just good!

Month end recommendation! Here is the tenth issue of Front End Weekly.

Front End technology set – front end dry goods gathering place


1. Use Canvas to make simple real-time dynamic clock address: author: H_Kid

Move to start work! Use Canvas to make real-time dynamic clock.

2. Understand the real “REM” mobile phone screen adaptation address: author: HBxEagle

Four specific schemes let us understand the application of REM in project practice.


1. Talk about modularity from CSS address: author: jack_lo

What is modularity? Why do we need modularity? In this article, the author will start with the background of CSS and talk about CSS modularity.

How to use CSS Shapes on the Web address:

In this article, we explore how to use the CSS Shapes module to make Web layouts like magazines and newspapers have irregular rectangular arrangements for text content.

8 simple rules for a robust and extensible CSS architecture address:

This is a list of things I’ve learned about managing CSS on complex, large Web projects during my years of professional Web development. I hope you found something.

4. Understand CSS/CSS3 native variable var address: author: Zhang Xinxu

Some interesting things you didn’t know about the CSS/CSS3 var() variable.


1. A study plan to cure JavaScript fatigue

Old driver share a real, step-by-step learning plan to conquer the JavaScript ecosystem. So, let’s see if it’s for you?

2. Javascript local storage summary address: author: Damonare

Cookie, LocalStorge, SesstionStorge

3. Understand JavaScript prototype object and prototype chain with three pictures Address: author: Shui Yi

Some JavaScript can easily confuse graphical explanations of knowledge points (prototype objects and prototype chains).

4. JavaScript time and date processing actual combat: You must be cheated address: author: king invited moon bear _Chevalier

This article will cover the details of dates and times in JavaScript, and show you how to use moment.js for calendar manipulation.

5. November 2016 12 lightweight JavaScript libraries

Some new lightweight JavaScript libraries, let’s see if you like them.

6. 18 Amazing Angular Open Source Projects

18 selected Angular 1.x and Angular 2 open source projects to share with you.

Other recommended

1. Web front-end from the entry novice to the practice of the old driver required information and guide collection address: author: 王 王 invite month bear _Chevalier

A list of learning materials and guides for getting started with the front end.

2. 10 principles for animation to fly You

Animation production principles, for your reference.

3. Lightweight and flexible mobile CSS framework: Mobi. CSS Address: author: XcatLiu

A mobile focused CSS framework. In addition to its slim body, it is compatible with major mobile browsers.

4. Open source JS plugin for copying text content: Clipboard by Zeno Rocha

A lightweight, without relying on any framework of open source JS plug-in, it achieved the click text content quickly copy function, simple and convenient to use.

5. Mobile UI component library based on Vue and WeUI: Vux Address: author: Airyland

A simple and elegant, and can meet the needs of most components of the mobile side of the page UI component library.

Front-end novice home – front-end novice good helper

1. 30 minutes to master the core content of ES6/ES2015 (top) Address: Author: Zach5078

ECMAScript 6 Core Knowledge Overview (Part 1)

2. 30 minutes to master the core content of ES6/ES2015 (below) Address: Author: Zach5078

ECMAScript 6 Core Knowledge Overview (part 2).

3. Nodejs tutorial address: by Jake

Here’s a node.js tutorial to help you open the door to the World of Node. Get started with Node developers!

4. Sublime Text Full Guide address: Author: Peng_Gong

This article introduces Sublime Text in a systematic and comprehensive way, aiming to be the best Chinese tutorial for Sublime Text.

5. AngularJS Best Practices and Style Guide Author: Mgechev et al

A guide to best practices and styles that showcase AngularJS applications.

6. Web Full stack Technical guide Address: author: GitHub developer

“How to become a Web full stack engineer?” This guide will give you some guidance on the various aspects of Web development.

The ape and the dead chicken – all that design stuff

1. The Design Thinking Address: author: Chen Yunxin

The design process is a combination of intuition and thoughtfulness. This article will analyze each stage of the design process, from defining a research problem to obtaining an idea to executing the design, based on an existing case study. I hope you found something.

2. UI designers need to master the basics of graphic design address: author: Tencent ISUX-Sisi

Enhance the basic ability of graphic design, shoulder the responsibility of making users learn to live intelligent life more easily.

3. Form design optimization address:

We have seen too many forms of design, often make too many mistakes, this paper briefly combs the form design of all aspects of attention.

Programmer life – the growth and story of the programmer

1. Awareness distinguishes experts from ordinary people.

Your ability to understand and solve problems sets you apart.

2. I recommend these 5 books. Address: by Loeb

5 books that take me into the front end and produce a great help for your reference.

If you think it’s good, give it a thumbs up. ^_^