How much time do you spend each day waiting for Gradle? Now you know!


  • Sortable bar chart summaries
  • CSV output
  • Daily and total summary



Apply the plugin in your build.gradle:


buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath "Net. Rdrei. Android. Buildtimetracker: gradle - plugin: 0.5 +"}} the apply the plugin: "build-time-tracker" buildtimetracker { reporters { csv { output "build/times.csv" append true header false } summary { ordered false threshold 50 barstyle "unicode" } csvSummary { csv "build/times.csv" } } }Copy the code

Using the SNAPSHOT release:

buildscript { repositories { maven { url "" } } dependencies { Classpath ".net. Rdrei. Android. Buildtimetracker: gradle - plugin: 0.5.1 - the SNAPSHOT "}}Copy the code



The csv reporter takes the following options:

  • output: CSV output file location relative to Gradle execution.
  • append: When set to true the CSV output file is not truncated. This is useful for collecting a series of build time profiles in a single CSV.
  • header: When set to false the CSV output does not include a prepended header row with column names. Is desireable in conjunction with append.

A basic R Markdown script, report.Rmd is included for ploting and analysing build times using CSV output.


The csvSummary displays the accumulated total build time from a CSV file. The reporter takes the following option:

  • csv: Path (relative to the gradle file or absolute) to a CSV file created with the above reporter and the options append = true and header = false.


The summary reporter gives you an overview of your tasks at the end of the build. It has the following options:

  • threshold: (default: 50) Minimum time in milliseconds to display a task.
  • ordered: (default: false) Whether or not to sort the output in ascending order by time spent.
  • barstyle: (default: “unicode”) Supports “unicode”, “ascii” and “none” for displaying a bar chart of the relative times spent on each task.
  • successOutput: (default: “true”) Redisplay build success or failure message so you don’t miss it if the summary output is long.

Note This plugin only measures the task times that constitute a build. Specifically, it does not measure the time in configuration at the start of a Gradle run. This means that the time to execute a build with very fast tasks is not accurately represented in output because it is dominated by the time in configuration instead.


This project is built and tested by Travis at passy/build-time-tracker-plugin.


Thanks to Sindre Sorhus for contributing the wonderful logo!


Copyright 2014 Pascal Hartig

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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