FoxOne co-founder Lyric has written an introduction to Mixin robot development. This is just an introduction. The full process can be found on Lyric’s website

Mixin Development Tutorial 1: Write a Robot November 29, 2018

I’m @Lyric and this tutorial was written at the request of Mixin COO @Mint to show engineers outside the blockchain world how to develop their own blockchain applications based on Mixin Network in the simplest way.

This is the first in a series of tutorials. If you are interested in this article, you can:

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Why Mixin

From BTC to ETH to EOS, it is believed that many engineers have some knowledge of blockchain and have heard some stories about it. The technology itself, whether it is BitCoin’s basic technical model, or the smart contract starting from ETH, or the unique architecture of EOS — may make engineers who are first in touch feel a little uncomfortable, and developing Dapp also becomes difficult.

In fact, each public chain (claims to) have its own unique application scenario, and specific techniques are proposed for this. For developers, these techniques, which involve complex cryptography, become barriers to entry. What Mixin does is smooth out all the differences in the “transaction” aspect of the public chain and focus on the “transaction” itself.

In Mixin Network, you can easily add the attribute of “digital currency” to your project by using the most familiar technology stack and protocol, and realize “retail, tipping, currency transaction” and other “transaction” related functions. Mixin Network’s DAG Network can also use Mixin Network’s DAG Network to add the (broad) “blockchain” attributes to their own projects, to achieve “copyright, storage, traceability, information disclosure” and all other “blockchain” related functions.

To sum up, Mixin networks make it easy to implement your ideas on a blockchain without having to pay attention to a lot of tedious technical details.