The task of “project recovery” officially begins today! You are welcome to summarize the projects you have worked on or recommend the wheels you have built. No matter the size of the project, the sweat (blood and tears) I have done, it is worth an article commemorating.

This article can be interpreted as an enhanced version of the “project experience” on your resume. A week later, you have a portfolio.

Note: The “project review” article is very, very important, and can be used as a basis for star mentors to select candidates for mock interviews

Participate in the rules

Task time: You will be rewarded if you complete the task between March 14 and March 20 (see below).

The article required

  • The topic is not limited, and it needs to be your own real project experience (original article), plagiarism will be removed immediately; Each article should not be less than 400 words, subject matter is not limited, no advertising behavior;
  • The title of the article should follow this format:Title Title Title | Item duplicate
    • At the end of the article, please bring the following text and link: This article is participating in the “Gold Mining 2021 Spring Recruiting Activity”, click to see the details of the activity
    • If you don’t know how to write, you can read the following “example” & “writing template” and read the hints ~
  • The full text is the aggregation of resources, will not participate in the selection;
  • Wash draft, marketing advertorials, advertisements, plagiarized articles will not participate in the selection.

Reward 🎁

  • Successful entry (i.e., completing 1 article) : each person will get a “10% discount code for the booklet”.
  • Complete 2 or more articles can participate in the lucky draw: 10 people selected, each one 1 gold enamel cup
  • Excellence Award: After the activity, the content committee will select 20 “excellent project review articles”, and each person will get a gift package of the surrounding gold nuggets.
  • In addition, excellent project review articles can be recommended exposure by the students of mining operation, and the 16 students whose review articles are recommended the most will get a customized T-shirt and a customized small badge from ali Cloud Edge computing team.

The above award will be adjusted according to the number of entries, and the final award will prevail

Writing topic Advice – Find your inspiration

I’m sure you’ve worked on many projects:

  • Start your own personal blog
  • A little amateur wheel
  • A project that plans to open source on GitHub
  • Independently developed commercial products
  • Independently responsible for the development of business or modules in the company

Each project left a special memory:

  • GitHub Star numbers skyrocketed after the project was released
  • The project was the most impressive, and I was promoted on it
  • The functionality was developed, but eventually the product changed requirements
  • Temporarily pulled to support the brother team, faced with strange code and strange colleagues, hard to solve the problem
  • Encountered technical problems that could not be solved by myself. Later, through unremitting research/consulting colleagues, I managed to get online
  • Closed development for emergency projects, writing code for more than 996 hours, even saw XX city at 4am

If you haven’t reviewed your past projects, take this opportunity to recall the scenes and problems you encountered. Summarize what you did well and where you still need to improve, write the first reply immediately!

If you have written a copy of the article, take it out and read it again. Did you see the whole picture? Any other thoughts or perceptions during this time? Would you like to add a few more on the disc at that time? Writing can refer to the following ideas:


  • How to Use Vercel + Hexo to build a blog

  • Build wheel – UITableView alphabetic index bar

  • Protobuf of wheel series

  • Android Studio Gradle plug-in development —- component registration plug-in

  • “Build a wheel” – CICADA source code analysis

  • WangEditor editor @ human plug-in;

  • Vue Axios packaging tool

  • WangEditor Formula editor kityFormula + myScript-math-web

  • High-performance JIT execution engine with Rust

Writing template

I. Project Introduction:


  • The function of your project
  • The role you played, the major contribution

Ii. Project Background

This part can be written:

  1. What is the business scenario for this project?
  2. Why did you do this project? Business pain points that need to be addressed and their causes

Iii. Practice process:

  1. Technology selection: What technology is used in the project? Why did you choose this technology over other products?
  2. What are the problems encountered in practice and how to solve them?
  3. What results were achieved, or what enhancements were made?

V. Summary and Thinking:

Such as:

  • What are you doing well/different from others/growing fast:
  • What technical detail in this project am I most proud of?
  • How do colleagues and leaders evaluate your work?
  • Or evaluate the future improvement of the project, the direction of future optimization.

This article is participating in the “Nuggets 2021 Spring Recruiting activity”, click to see the details of the activity

⏰ Group communication

Complete the “March Quest” and you will get more prizes!

You will have the chance to get the mock interview opportunity of star mentor group in the “Search for gold, Offer to Face” activity in March! Click to view the event details!

Special thanks to

Netease Cloud Music Front-end team: Cloud Music front-end team undertakes all front-end research and development work of cloud music B and C terminals, covering iOS, Android and Web. At present, there are veterans who have grown and worked with Cloud Music for more than 10 years, and there are also new people who have just joined cloud Music. It is a dynamic and passionate team. We are committed to delivering the ultimate user experience with high performance code, human interaction and pleasant vision. Cloud music is now in a stage of rapid development, with unlimited development potential and room for improvement. Here, top talents from various industries gather together for their love of music. Welcome excellent talents to join us and influence millions of people with music!

China Machine Press Huzhang Company: mainly engaged in science and technology, management, psychological fields of book publishing services. It started from computer book business in 1995 and established the pattern of top four computer book publishing in China in 1998. “International vision, education oriented, professional publishing” is an important guiding principle of our development. The distinctive feature of Huazhang is to collect global content and serve Chinese education. The company’s books represent a new vision in the fields of computing, economics and management, and psychology, better able to meet the changing needs of professionals, teachers and students. Huazhang Technology is the earliest sub-brand established by Huazhang Company, focusing on providing learning solutions for professional readers in IT fields such as computer and electronic engineering. An open book, an open door, the ladder leading to the temple of science, the cornerstone of holding up first-class talents!

Aliyun Edge Plus: aliyun Edge computing, CDN, cloud communication official account. The team is responsible for building the Edge cloud computing platform of Aliyun, providing distributed miniaturized cloud computing operating system, building a communication touch platform covering the whole world based on the basic communication capability of operators, paying attention to the “Aliyun Edge Plus” public account, and opening the Edge, connection and infinite possibilities of the technology world. Spring recruitment period, in the public account background reply to the keyword “nuggets” can get “spring recruitment within the post” and “physical help gift package”, koi people rush ah!