On June 14, 2019, Microsoft released the VS Code Java Installer, which enables developers to install all Java development environments in one click.

It was almost three years ago, at a hackathon at Microsoft’s Zurich offices, that kids from Red Hat, IBM, Codenvy, and Microsoft developed the first version of Java Language Server. It has since become one of the most popular plug-ins in Visual Studio Code, with over 2.8 million installs.

In addition, Microsoft became a platinum sponsor of the AdoptOpenJDK project back in 2018. AdoptOpenJDK provides a true vendor-neutral, completely free, and open source JDK distribution based on the OpenJDK project.

VS Code Java installer

Microsoft’s support for Java developers hasn’t stopped there. Along the way, many developers are asking how they can quickly start Java development in Visual Studio Code. So Microsoft released the VS Code Java installer for this purpose. It helps developers quickly install and configure Java development environments, including the JDK, Visual Studio Code, and core Java plug-ins.

Once installed, developers can open Visual Studio Code and start writing and running Java Code directly! Below is a short video that shows how to write and run a Hello World program using Java in Visual Studio Code in less than 1 minute.