Microsoft has announced the release of Visual Studio 2022 64-bit support 6 and C++ 20

Microsoft has announced that it will release the first preview of Visual Studio 2022 this summer (q3 2021Q3).

The latest release of this venerable tool will be fully 64-bit, with improved collaboration tools and support for the 6, as well as support for the latest C++ 20 keywords and features.

Moving to a full 64-bit editor is something developers have been asking for for quite some time, at least since VS2010. Those developing large solutions are increasingly affected by the memory limitations of 32-bit editors, because it is not only the developer’s code that affects editor memory usage, but also IntelliSense and other language services that support editor functionality.

Collaboration and tighter integration with development teams is a major focus of VS2022.

LiveShare debuted in VS2017 and gives developers the ability to collaborate on the same solution. While it can be useful for pair programming and other scenarios, it does not provide communication within Visual Studio.

Developers can now use text chat in VS2022 while running LiveShare sessions, so they don’t need external tools to communicate. Security-focused organizations can leverage session policies to ensure that LiveShare follows appropriate internal compliance policies, Silver noted.

.NET 6 is scheduled for release in November 2021, and VS2022 is intended to include pairs. NET MAUI (Multi-platform Application User Interface) and ASP.NET Blazor support prepare for this.

Currently, except for one that works with Blazor web applications and VS2022. NET Hot Reload preview, no specific support details have been provided.

VS2022 promises support for C++20, but does not provide specific language functionality support. More details on VS2022’s C++20 implementation are expected to be announced at the Pure Virtual conference in May. Support programs for CMake, Linux, and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) will be more closely integrated.

Visual Studio for Mac hasn’t gone unnoticed either, with Silver saying that its user interface will be improved across the board to make better use of the native macOS toolkit.

The enhanced Git experience in Visual Studio for Windows will now be available on Mac as part of the 2022 release.

This article is translated from Microsoft Release of 64-bit Visual Studio 2022