
Distributed service: Dubbo+Zookeeper+Proxy+Restful

Distributed messaging middleware: KafKa+Flume+Zookeeper

Distributed cache: Redis Distributed file: FastDFS

Load Balancing: Keepalived+Nginx+Proxy(triple load)

The cloud service

Subsystem: Background management system, Restfu service system, and Dubbo service/control/monitoring center

Zookeeper registry, report analysis system, log recording system, and scheduling system

Search engine system, distributed file system, message system, SSO single sign-on system

SOA management and control platform, UI component system, OA office system, CMS news release system

Payment system, database configuration system, workflow system, cloud service platform

Welcome to study the relevant technology together [source code of the complete project](distributed

Distributed service: Dubbo+Zookeeper+Proxy+Restful

Distributed messaging middleware: KafKa+Flume+Zookeeper

Distributed cache: Redis Distributed file: FastDFS

Load Balancing: Keepalived+Nginx+Proxy(triple load)

The cloud service

Subsystem: Background management system, Restfu service system, and Dubbo service/control/monitoring center

Zookeeper registry, report analysis system, log recording system, and scheduling system

Search engine system, distributed file system, message system, SSO single sign-on system

SOA management and control platform, UI component system, OA office system, CMS news release system

Payment system, database configuration system, workflow system, cloud service platform

Welcome to study the relevant technology together with the complete project source code