1: WeUI applet – use tutorial weui.io/

Official introduction: WeUI is a set of basic style library consistent with the original visual experience of wechat. It is designed by the official design team of wechat for the wechat webpage and wechat mini program, so that users’ perception of use is more unified. Small program development in the most commonly used framework, welcomed by the majority of developers.

2: Meituan applets framework mpvue Github: github.com/Meituan-Dia… Liverpoolfc.tv: mpvue.com/

Mpvue is a front-end framework for developing small programs using vue.js. The framework is based on vue. js core, and MPvue modifies the runtime and Compiler implementation of vue. js to enable it to run in the environment of small programs, thus introducing a whole set of vue. js development experience for small program development.

3: Componentized development framework Wepy Github address: github.com/Tencent/wep… Official website: 0700.github. IO /wepy

Componentized development, perfect solution to component isolation, component nesting, component communication and other problems, support the use of third-party NPM resources, automatic processing of dependencies between NPM resources, perfect compatibility with all non-platform dependent NPM resource packages.

4: the official framework MINA address: developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…

The framework provides its own view layer description languages WXML and WXSS, as well as javascript-based logic layer framework, and provides data transfer and event system between the view layer and logic layer, so that developers can easily focus on data and logic.

5: Tina.js a lightweight incremental micro channel small program framework Tina.js open source framework address: github.com/tinajs/tina

It is a lightweight incremental micro program framework that retains most of the API design of MINA (official micro program framework). Regardless of whether you have small program development experience, can easily transition to start.

6: Front-end framework WeWeb address: github.com/wdfe/weweb

Official introduction: WeWeb is a compatible small program syntax front-end framework, you can use small program writing method, to write web applications. If you already have an applet, you can use it to run your applet in your browser.

7: wechat UI component library iView appellate P appellate P appellate P appellate

Introduction: iView Retry P provides the same UI and the same interface name as much as possible, greatly reducing the learning cost. It is a set of high-quality UI component libraries for mini programs of wechat.

8: Zanui-appellate P – a comprehensive, user-friendly, and easily extensible wechat mini-program UI library cnodejs.org/topic/589d6…

Zanui-eappp integrates the visual norms of wechat to provide users with a more unified experience. Including badge, BTN, a total of 17 categories of components or elements.