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Standard development process of the SpringBoot Starter

A complete SpringBoot Starter module contains the following components:

  • The autoconfigure module, which contains the autoconfiguration code and configures the autoconfiguration classes that need to be loaded upon startup in the meta-INF/spring-factories file
  • Starter module, which provides dependencies to the AutoConfigure module as well as class libraries and other dependencies commonly used

The dependencies are as follows:

graph TD
xxx-xxx-project --> xxx-xxx-starter --> xxx-xxx-autoconfigurer

If you don't want to separate the two modules, you can also combine the autoconfiguration code and dependency management in one module

Benefits of using Starter

  1. Integrates the dependency libraries required by this module
  2. Provides configuration items for modules to consumers
  3. Provides an autoconfiguration class to automate the assembly of beans within a module

Starter development steps

  1. Create a new Maven project and define the dependencies to be used in the project’s POM file
  2. Create a configuration class, write the configuration item and the default configuration value, and specify the configuration item prefix
  3. Create a new autoliring class, using @Configuration and @Bean for autoliring
  4. Create the spring.factories file and specify the autowire class for the Starter

The specific creation process and code demonstration will not be detailed here, you can refer to this blog: blog.csdn.net/weixin_3865…

Because we have a much simpler and more efficient way

It’s me: Mica-Auto

Functional principle

Mica-auto Automatically generates some SpringBoot configuration files based on the SpringBoot configuration annotations

  • Generate spring. Factories
  • Generate the spring – devtools. Properties
  • Generate the FeignClient in spring.factories to automate the Feign configuration in MICA

The idea is to scan classes that reference the @Component annotation or a composite annotation containing @Component and automatically generate the corresponding configuration

With this feature, we can write our own Starter without the AutoConfigurer module, because mica-Auto will automatically scan for us the Configuration class that references @Configuration, which is a composite annotation that contains @Component. The meta-INF /spring.factories file is automatically created, and the configuration class full pathname is automatically written to the file.

How to use

Simply add a dependency to the Starter project


Copy the code
Copy the code

Note: If you are using Lombok in your project, place the mica-Auto dependencies behind Lombok.

Results show

You can see from the classes compiled by Idea and the JAR package built by Maven that Mica-Auto has added the auto-configuration classes to the meta-INF /spring.factories

Expand the use

In fact, MICA-Auto is not only used to simplify the development of Starter. In our daily development, we often encounter that business modules depend on external modules in multi-module projects. Usually, their package names are inconsistent.

  • Customize a Starter and rely on the Starter
  • write@EnableXXXAnnotation, which is introduced into SpringBoot’s boot class
  • Boot class introduced in SpringBoot@ImportAnnotations, import configuration classes
  • Boot class introduced in SpringBoot@ComponentScanNote, manually scan the Component that is injected into an external module

All four methods are intrusive, but mica-auto writes to meta-INF /spring.factories for each Component, SpringBoot when start according to @ SpringBootApplication – > @ EnableAutoConfiguration – > find AutoConfigurationImportSelector @ Import, His selectImports method scans the meta-INF /spring.factories file and infuses it into spring’s bean container.

Therefore, just add mica-auto to the dependent module and you can happily use the external Component in the business module.

So Easy!