What is a method reference

A method reference is just the name of the method, and the actual invocation is handed over to the functional interface, which needs to be used with Lambda expressions.

Such as:

List<String> list = Arrays.asList("a","b","c");
list.forEach(str -> System.out.print(str));
Copy the code

The two notations above are equivalent.

Method reference classification

Constructor method references

Format: Class::new, calling the default constructor.

Class static method references

Format: Class: : static_method

Class ordinary method references

The format is Class::method. The method cannot take arguments.

4. Instance method references

Format: the instance: : method

The sample

Add a method reference to the User class:

public static User create(Supplier<User> supplier){
    return supplier.get();

public static void updateUsername(User user){
    user.setUsername(user.getUsername() + " updated.");

public void updateAge(){
    this.setAge(this.getAge() + 10);

public void changeAge(User user){
    user.setAge(user.getAge() + 10);
Copy the code

Method reference test:

public static void main(String[] args) { List<User> list = initList(); NewUser = user.create (User::new); newUser.setAge(1); newUser.setUsername("new"); System.out.println(newUser); ForEach (User::updateUsername); ForEach (User::updateAge); User User = new User(); list.forEach(user::changeAge); list.forEach(System.out::println); } private static List<User> initList() { List<User> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(new User("oaby", 23)); list.add(new User("tom", 11)); list.add(new User("john", 16)); list.add(new User("jennis", 26)); list.add(new User("tin", 26)); list.add(new User("army", 26)); list.add(new User("mack", 19)); list.add(new User("jobs", 65)); list.add(new User("jordan", 23)); return list; }Copy the code

Output result:

User [username=new, age=1]
User [username=oaby updated., age=43]
User [username=tom updated., age=31]
User [username=john updated., age=36]
User [username=jennis updated., age=46]
User [username=tin updated., age=46]
User [username=army updated., age=46]
User [username=mack updated., age=39]
User [username=jobs updated., age=85]
User [username=jordan updated., age=43]
Copy the code

You can see that the method references are valid, and username and age are updated accordingly.

Recommended reading

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Tutorial: The most complete Spring Boot complete video tutorial

Books: 15 must-read books for advanced Java architects

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