Geek Share Issue 26

What is Geek Share Weekly: Geek Share is a bookmark sharing site (, and is a section of the site that puts together selected bookmarks. Users who sign up for the site can also subscribe to the weekly picks by email.

A second revolution in messaging systems: Kafka doesn’t need ZooKeeper

“I’m very excited about this release, but the nature of our business means we can’t shut down to upgrade…”

#kafka #Zookeeper

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TiDB Database quick start guide

PingCAP Docs

#database #TiDB #PingCAP

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Hadoop is dead? ASF has “phased out” 10 Hadoop-related open source projects

Is It really time for Hadoop to call it a day?

#opensource #Hadoop

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· OpenResty Best practices

In 2012, I joined Qihoo 360 Company to do technology selection for new products. Since I have been in Python circles and have been exposed to the high performance development of Nginx C module, I have been looking for a product that combines the fast development of Python and the high performance of Nginx C module. After seeing OpenResty, I felt like I had discovered a new continent.

#OpenResty #performance #API

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Common distributed infrastructure system design diagram (3) : distributed message queue

This article is about distributed message queues, which have a wide range of applications in both real-time and non-real-time systems. As a message queue, the basic functional requirements are relatively easy to describe.

# Raychase # Distributed # Distributed system

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