This introduction

In 2013, Wang Jialun, CEO of Game Teahouse, founded the game industry “Teahouse” in Chengdu. As one of the most influential game industry media and resource connecting platforms, Game Teahouse has witnessed the birth and growth of many “hot style” games. Developers from Chengdu always stand out on the mobile sea track. What support does Chengdu, a “creative oasis”, provide for the development of the game industry behind its excellent achievements? In this program, Jialun Wang, CEO of Game Teahouse, will share with us his observations and thoughts on mobile going to sea from the perspective of game media people.

This guest

Wang Jialun, CEO of Game Teahouse and founder of Chengdu Tea Technology, has been working in the Internet industry for 17 years. He has been the general plan of eight consecutive Sichuan Internet Conference. In 2007, he was selected as one of the top ten regional influential figures of Internet in China, and in 2011, he was selected as one of the top ten influential figures of Internet in Sichuan. Established in 2013, Game Teahouse has become one of the most influential media and resource docking platforms for the game industry in China.

Click here to listen to an interview with Jialun Wang, CEO of Game Teahouse: Explore the development of the game industry from “Chengdu game ecosystem”.

Content overview, to help you quickly locate the highlights!


The overseas mobile game market under the epidemic


Chengdu game of the sea special place


What kind of game teams are more attractive to investors

The cruse

Since the epidemic, ultra-casual games have captured a large audience


“New Blue Ocean” in Overseas mobile game Market


The impact of game quality on the global market


Face sea new change, how should domestic game team deal with?

The current related

App Annie

App Annie is a global analytics platform that provides developers with monitoring data for every App in the App Store, Google Play and Amazon Stores around the world, such as regular, free reports and hourly global App ranking updates.


Slush is an investment conference for technology and startup companies held in Helsinki, Finland since 2008. Slush matches startups with investors, including VCs, with events such as matchmaking sessions and roadshows. The goal of Slush is to create a startup community that spans the world.


Founded in 2008, Tap4Fun is one of the first overseas game companies in China. Its main business is the development and operation of mobile online games and investment in the field of mobile online games. Since its inception, the company has developed and managed more than 10 best-selling game products, including Age of the Apes, Kiss of Victory, Age of Barbarian, and more.

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The second season of Google Play Chinese Podcast “Overseas Students’ Club” was officially launched. It is a podcast focusing on the mobile overseas market. Each episode invites developers, entrepreneurs and investors who are deeply involved in the overseas market to discuss the industry experience, share their entrepreneurial experience and understand the overseas market. It will be hosted by Jijia Huang (Google Platform and Eco Group Greater China Developer Marketing Director).

The program will bring you updates every Wednesday. You can search “Overseas Students Association” through Ximalaya FM and subscribe the program album to get the latest news. Follow the account “Google Play Developers “to listen to more Google Play podcasts, which will be delivered exclusively on Himalayan FM.