Developers searching HTML and JavaScript documents often find that MDN has a high click-through rate. Mozilla decided to “bet” on improving the Web document experience, officially making MDN more focused on Web documents.

Kadir Topal, senior product manager at Mozilla, said in a blog post that they wanted to “solidify MDN as the single best resource for Web documents.” Previously, MDN referred to the Mozilla Developer Network, but there is no such thing as a “Network.” To do this, Mozilla will rename MDN to “MDN Web Docs.”

The new logo for MDN Web Docs provided by Mozilla.

The authority of MDN and the high quality of documentation have been widely recognized by Web developers. Hacker News user Alistproducer2 commented: “I always tell my colleagues that MDN is the de facto standard for JavaScript documentation”. Others have developed new ways to ensure that MDN’s search results top the list. “If I Google ‘MDN whatever’, the top result is the one I want,” Flanbiscuit wrote on his blog. The rest of the search results page will also be occupied by other relevant MDN results.”

But part of Mozilla’s concern is that the well-received Web documentation is mixed in with the Firefox and Gecko product documentation, which in some cases can be confusing to developers. As part of its upcoming website redesign, Mozilla will strip product documentation from the site and focus on “ensuring that search results lead users exactly to documents of interest.”

Another goal of the MDN redesign is to enable developers to quickly access the information they are searching for. Web developers often just need to find an example of code from which to learn how to use a particular feature, rather than looking for detailed descriptions of specifications and features. MDN is “experimenting” with code examples at the top of the page, along with Stack Overflow style editable snippets.

Developers interested in getting a sneak peek of the site changes can apply to join the Beta Beta.

Mozilla Retools MDN to Improve Web Documentation:

To apply for Beta testing:

The Future of MDN: A Focus on Web Docs

The Future of MDN: A Focus on Web Docs

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