I don’t know if you have noticed recently, a lot of celebrities are Shouting in various channels, come to my wechat live to listen to my share. During the Spring Festival, wechat live broadcast is very popular, and tens of thousands of users often watch the live broadcast. Whether it’s true or not, it’s probably pretty easy to build on a platform as big as wechat.

And today micro channel small program live ability open public test. The mini program live broadcast component is an official business tool provided by wechat. That’s live selling!

The live broadcast is in the form of vertical screen, and the experience is relatively smooth during the viewing process. The screen provides the ability to display goods, like, comment, draw a lottery, coupon, purchase, data display and so on. In addition to the advantages of users, the process of wechat mini program live broadcasting is closed loop within the merchant mini program, and there is no need to jump to other mini programs or APPS.

It is reported that the merchant who received the public test invitation can directly open the ability in the small program background. Small program live support the development of the fastest one day, no qualification application, operation can be started in 20 minutes.

Maybe wechat live is an opportunity? I suggest you apply for research.

Author: Lu Songsong

Article source: Lu Songsong blog, welcome to share.