Scenario: An enterprise uses multiple Alicloud products. MaxCompute is one of the products and uses the same primary account. The primary account is not managed by the big data student using MaxCompute, but uses a sub-account. Big data students need to add user to MaxCompute project operations, grant xx on project/table, and other operations, namely, daily permission management. Background:

  • By default, only the owner can manage the rights of the MaxCompute project. The owner of the MaxCompute project can only be the primary account.
  • Subaccount MaxCompute is assigned and the project is created. The owner of the project remains the primary account.
  • In DataWorks, a subaccount that has the project administrator or security administrator role of the project space has only the operation rights of the corresponding DataWorks project, but cannot manage the rights of the MaxCompute project.

Solution: Specify a subaccount as the permission management account for big data MaxCompute, and grant the admin role to the subaccount from the primary account

For example, the primary account is [email protected], and the sub-account for daily rights management is Allen Grant admin TO ram$; Copy the code

Note that admin can manage some common daily rights, but it cannot manage all rights instead of the owner. In this case, the owner is still required to perform operations.

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