Maven, Eclipse, Gradle, Tomcat installation use

1. Maven installation

  • 1.1 download the installation package from the official website and decompress it

    Download address: click on me!

    Unzip the bin directory and add it to your path.

  • 1.2 verify whether the installation is successful

    Command line input MVN –version can!

  • Maven downloads jars from the repository. If the repository address is not configured, the jar will be downloaded from the remote central repository by default. Fortunately, Ali provides us with ali cloud image, the experience is very nice!

    Edit the
    node in the settings. XML file in the conf directory and add:

        <name>Nexus aliyun</name>
    Copy the code

    1.4. Configure the location of the local warehouse

    The default repository location is ${user.home}/.m2/repository. If you don’t like this location, change it. And this position is generally in the system disk C disk, JAR package will lead to disk overstaffed!

    Modify in settings. XML:

2. Install Gradle

  • 1.1 download the installation package from the official website and decompress the download address: click me!

  • 1.2. Configure environment variables

    GRADLE_HOME = your decompressed directory. Add bin to your path.

  • 1.3. Verify that the command line is gradle –version

3. Eclipse installation

  • 1.1 download the installation package from the official website and decompress it

    Download address: click on me!

    After decompression, you can use it! Pay attention to your computer to install the JAVA environment!

  • 1.2. Configure Maven

    Set your installation directory separately!

4. Tomcat installation

  • 1.1 download the installation package from the official website and decompress it

    Download address: click on me!

    After decompression, you can use it!

  • 1.2. Go to the bin directory and run startup.bat. Then enter http://localhost:8080/.

  • 1.3, note that you have JAVA installed on your computer and the JAVA_HOME variable is in your path!