Data transmission is an important link for enterprises to conduct business with customers, partners and suppliers, and is the basis for enterprises to mine data value. However, the advent of the big data era has spawned massive data, while data types and interaction scenarios have become more complex, and data transmission efficiency, security and other aspects have been challenged. ** Enterprises want to mine value from data and create opportunities, the first thing to solve is the data transmission problem.

Big Data Transmission challenges:

  • The data volume increases rapidly and the transmission efficiency is low.
  • Data types are diverse, and traditional transmission methods are difficult to ensure integrity.
  • The network environment is complex, and the problem of data loss and leakage is increasing day by day.
  • Cross-region and long-distance inter-team work increased, and high delay and high packet loss rate became prominent.

** The key to solving the above problems is to find a good data transmission engine. ** This is an important support for enterprises to build a high-speed, secure and stable data transmission environment, and also means that enterprises can take the lead in data-driven development.

TCP, the traditional transmission method, has encountered a huge bottleneck

Data transmission is based on transport protocols. Among many transport protocols, TCP is the most commonly used IP transport layer protocol. Compared with other transport protocols, TCP provides a more reliable service for establishing connections between specific network systems and applications.

TCP was developed in the early 1970s, when networks were local and data files were small, and TCP served as the basic protocol that enabled data to move efficiently and reliably over local area networks (Lans) with very little bandwidth. To provide this reliability, TCP ensures that application data transmitted over a single TCP connection is passed to the receiver’s application in the same order as when it was sent. To do this, TCP uses an algorithm to establish a connection between sender and receiver, create transfer requests in turn, and then split the data into packets that are sent individually over the network without acknowledgment until the defined limit of unacknowledged packets is reached (this operation is known as the TCP sliding window).

The TCP sliding window can be thought of as a window defined on the data buffer. Below is a simplified sliding window tuning schematic showing the TCP algorithm sending small packets across the network and how the TCP sliding window controls how much data can be transferred without acknowledgement. As packets are delayed, TCP slows down the transfer rate with a small window size, further limiting the number of unacknowledged packets allowed.

TCP transport algorithms are proven to be effective when data movement occurs over short distances and the network is not congested. However, when the round-trip time (RTT) for packet transmission inevitably increases with distance, performance and efficiency suffer. Especially in long-distance and transnational transmission scenarios, the transmission of large files and massive small files exposes the drawbacks of TCP:

  • Low transmission efficiency, end-to-end transmission needs to be confirmed sequentially, and data processing is slow.

  • The packet loss rate and delay increase when large files are transferred.

  • Extreme congestion control throttling, resulting in human throughput loss;

  • TCP is not absolutely reliable (retransmission), file verification mechanism is not perfect;

In essence, TCP cannot provide reliable transmission in a real sense. Especially under the pressure of data volume and distance, TCP not only cannot guarantee transmission efficiency, but also becomes the risk window of enterprise data security.

An entirely new technology, the RaySYNC transport protocol

Raysync ultra-high speed transmission protocol is the core transmission technology independently developed by Shenzhen Cloud Language Technology Based on UDP transmission protocol. This breakthrough technology is not simply to optimize or accelerate data transmission, but to completely eliminate the bottom bottleneck by using the breakthrough transmission technology, overcome the limitation of traditional network and hardware, and make full use of network bandwidth. With ultra-low delay, high speed and end-to-end output services, the transmission rate has been increased by nearly 100 times and the bandwidth utilization rate has reached over 96%. It can easily meet the requirements of safe, controllable and stable transmission of LARGE terabyte files and massive small files.

Transport layer: The black technology of crushing TCP protocol

The TCP transport protocol provides reliable data transfer under ideal conditions, but it has an inherent throughput bottleneck that becomes more prominent and severe as packet loss and latency increase over long distances.

Radium speed transmission achieves reliability at the application layer in an innovative way, eliminating TCP’s inefficiencies, data loss, processing errors, and resulting transmission rate instability. To ensure 100% reliability, radium speed transmission implements its best mechanism, which accurately identifies and forwards true packet loss on the transmission channel.

Application layer: Goes beyond FTP

FTP transfer protocol has been used for more than 40 years, but it is true that the efficiency of FTP file transfer is far less than the growth rate of data in the face of today’s complex file exchange requirements. In the enterprise badly needed file management function, FTP is weak.

Implementing file transfer and maintaining security through FTP requires complex scripts, ongoing maintenance, and even the assistance of other applications, all of which can cost an enterprise varying degrees of time and money.

To break the bottleneck of large file transfer and avoid the problem of data isolation, radium fast transmission is constructed by Raysync ultra-high speed transmission protocol technologyIntelligent transmission platform, can process and integrate massive amounts of data at unprecedented speed.

High speed, safe and controllable large file transfer system

The radium high-speed large file transfer system is equipped with Raysync ultra-high speed transmission protocol, which can provide all-round support for enterprises in large file interaction and cross-platform collaboration, and realize the standardization of intra-enterprise and inter-enterprise transmission.

Radium intelligent data compression, intermittent transmission technology can also effectively reduce network load, excellent breakpoint transmission, data verification technology to ensure stable and reliable data transmission, intelligent management system to achieve data interaction, synchronization, backup and other business needs. High integration can quickly integrate into the existing OA, ERP and other systems of the enterprise, effectively reduce the cost of enterprise research and development, realize the linkage of data files between various business systems and operating system platforms, and solve the problem of data isolation.

At the same time of continuous improvement of file transfer acceleration technology, radium transmission will also solve the enterprise file transfer management problems into the full range of enterprise data transfer services, to build an intelligent large file transfer system:

  • Data synchronization and secure backup

Supports bidirectional file synchronization, ensuring file consistency between multiple devices without redundant fragmented files and efficient multi-party data synchronization.

  • Point-to-point transmission, one step at a time

Using convenient user ID direct transmission mode to achieve point-to-point transmission, removing intermediate transfer links, quickly realize file sharing;

  • Financial grade secure encryption technology

Aes-256 +SSL+ random salt high strength encryption algorithm encryption, even developers can not recover the source password through the saved ciphertext, data security is secure;

  • Audit log operations are standardized

Use transfer logs and operation logs to monitor user behaviors, easily trace all operation behaviors and file contents, effectively control improper use of files, and cooperate with enterprises to refine file management

  • User-defined management

User management perfectly maps the enterprise organizational structure, supports group management by region, department, and right customization, and standardizes enterprise user operations by setting permissions

  • Nodes can be managed intelligently

It is equipped with node management to centrally manage and monitor all node management in the Intranet and extranet environment, synchronously collect all device operation logs, and easily collect all data

  • Hybrid cloud storage support

Radium speed transmission support more than ten kinds of mainstream storage, local + cloud storage effectively help enterprises file storage, backup, migration, synchronization and other work orderly

Rich industry service experience

In order to help more enterprises overcome the transmission challenges brought by big data, Radium transmission for many years focused on safe and controllable, excellent performance of large file transfer technology and solutions, through continuous technical innovation and application practice, service in high-end manufacturing, scientific research, life science, film and television media and many other industries and fields. Such as:

The film and television industry

Industry challenges:

Film and television production is mostly collaborative editing and creation by multiple people in enterprises and overseas institutions scattered in many places, in which a large amount of audio, video, pictures and other audio and video content needs to be uploaded and transmitted back. The huge amount of data leads to low file interaction efficiency and production cycle delay seriously affects production efficiency.

Radium speed program:

Radium transmission for the film and television industry to develop video and audio content transmission scheme, through Raysync ultra-high speed transmission protocol to accelerate the transmission of video and audio big data content; Intelligent optimization of network bandwidth, effectively reduce the impact of transnational and ultra-long distance transmission network delay, packet loss, etc. To build a one-click synchronous update environment, ensure that all members get the latest and complete audio and video materials, and help film and television industry production work efficiently and smoothly.

IT Internet industry

Industry challenges:

Massive data needs to be synchronized in multiple computer rooms backup is the daily work of the Internet. However, the amount of large file data is huge. As a result, the transmission service cannot make full use of network bandwidth due to the difficult connection between the transmission service and a single file storage server, which results in unstable usage and difficult data migration.

Radium speed program:

Radium speed transmission using intelligent distributed transmission scheme to improve the transmission speed several times, optimize the use of network bandwidth; Radium data transfer system cluster multi-machine parallel transmission, to achieve the maximum transmission efficiency up to 100Gbps; Built-in file verification and transmission encryption technology to ensure end-to-end data security, integrity and consistency, to ensure a short migration process, 100% success rate, zero failure in the whole process.

The financial industry

Industry challenges:

Many financial services organizations grow through branches, but this often leads to fragmentation of data and application environments. When upgrade management becomes a priority task for service development, they need to collect a large number of operation logs and consolidate data to improve service efficiency.

Radium speed program:

Radium transmission centralized management platform can help financial enterprises to quickly collect operation logs, transfer logs monitoring, user group management, file authentication access and other work, promote the rapid upgrade of refined management. At the same time, in the security control of file transmission, the AES-256+TLS encryption algorithm was set up for the whole process, so as to develop matching top-level security protection for the financial industry.

Healthcare industry

Industry challenges:

Data silos have long plagued the healthcare industry, potentially impeding data analytics to improve overall healthcare delivery quality. At the same time, the development of the medical and health industry is seriously troubled by the transmission and storage problems related to the customer sensitive data and the massive data of genetic research.

Radium speed program:

The Radium Fast Transfer Large file transfer system helps unify data across islands and different systems, providing healthcare providers, researchers and institutions with a unified data set to collect and analyze data and accelerate the interaction of big data on human life. For the security of sensitive data transmission, Lasum adopts financial security protection and fine file management, from the data itself and the users who contact the data to start the security work.

** With the rapid development of information technology, enterprise data transmission work is no longer a simple matter. ** Especially in this complex market environment, enterprises choosing data transmission tools should not only consider whether the transmission technology is strong enough, but also need high-quality service guarantee. As a one-stop large file transfer solution provider, Lasum Transmission has the self-developed Raysync core transfer technology and professional technical team, which can provide high-performance, safe and stable large file transfer tools and file transfer management services for major enterprises.

This article comes from the official website of Radium transmission, Raysync large file transfer software, high-speed transmission system, provide FTP transfer acceleration service, enterprise large file transfer protocol, solve the problem of big data transmission, cross-border transmission, cross-border large file transmission slow, help enterprises improve transmission efficiency.