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2. Install

npm install marked --save

3. Set parameters

 renderer: new marked.Renderer(), 
 gfm: true, 
 tables: true, 
 breaks: true, 
 pedantic: false, 
 sanitize: false, 
 smartLists: true, 
 smartypants: false, 
 highlight(code) { 
  return Hljs.highlightAuto(code).value 
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GFM This is a Boolean value and defaults to true. Allows Git Hub standard Markdown.

Tables It is a Boolean value and defaults to true. Table syntax support is allowed. This option requires GFM to be true.

Breaks it is a Boolean value and defaults to false. Carriage return line feeds are allowed. This option requires GFM to be true.

Pedantic It is a Boolean value and defaults to false. Be as compatible with obscure parts of as possible. Do not correct any bad behavior or errors in the original model.

Sanitize This is a Boolean value and defaults to false. Filtering (cleaning) the output will ignore any HTML codes (labels) that have been entered smartLists it is a Boolean value and defaults to false. Use a more stylish list than native Markdown. Old lists will be filtered out as possible pedantic processing content.

Smartypants This is a Boolean value and defaults to false. Use funkier punctuation, such as dashes in quotation grammar.

4. Customize the resolution method

const renderer = new marked.Renderer() 
const paragraphParse = text => `<p>${text}</p>` 
renderer.paragraph = paragraphParse 
return marked(content, { renderer }) 
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