As a programmer, apart from the hard skills of Coding programming, writing software skills also need to be cultivated, and writing is inseparable from Markdown, such as GitHub Readme documents.

Although Markdown’s syntax is not difficult, there are still a lot of techniques and norms, which I summarize and share with you.

God can directly detour, this is for beginners to learn.

Markdown is a markup language that can be written using a plain text editor to format plain text content with simple markup syntax.

Why Markdown?

Why is Markdown’s writing respected? Instead of a Word document?

  • Markdown is plain text and can be opened using any text editor. To open A Word document, you must first install Office.
  • Markdown makes it easy to format documents, whereas with Word, formatting takes a lot of effort.
  • Markdown can be easily converted to Html, Word, PDF files and ebooks.
  • Most existing media platforms already support Markdown.

Markdown was created to be “easy to read and easy to write” in order to allow us to focus on our writing and improve our writing efficiency.

Anyone with writing experience should be well aware that the typesetting of an article that needs to be sent to multiple media is very time-consuming, whereas the typesetting of an article with Markdown only needs to be done once.

How to use Markdown?

So much for the advantages of Markdown, is it complicated to learn?

In fact, Markdown is an extremely simple grammar that can be easily learned in 5-10 minutes for writing.

Block reference

The quote identifier is >, which is usually used to mark the main idea of an article, a famous quote, etc

This is a quote

The title

This takes the form of inserting 1 to 6 # at the beginning of the line for level 1 to 6 headings

# this is H1

# # this is H2

# # # # # # H6 is thisCopy the code

The list of

Markdown supports both ordered and unordered lists.

Unordered lists are marked with a minus sign –

- Unordered list 1 - Unordered list 2Copy the code

Is equivalent to

  • Unordered list 1
  • Unordered list 2

Ordered lists use numbers followed by an English period:

  1. Ordered list 1
  2. Ordered list 2
  3. Ordered list 3

Emphasis on

Wrap it with an asterisk or an _. Any paragraph with special emphasis will be bold.

This is an emphatic passage

*_Don’t have Spaces on either side, or they’ll just be treated as normal symbols.


As long as you wrap it in square brackets <>, Markdown will automatically turn it into a link.

How does hyperlinking in text work? Use link name (link address) to mark symbols

[This is a baidu link](

Is equivalent to

This is a baidu link

The picture

Picture tag symbol! [Image name](Image path)

! [book] Jane ( age)

Is equivalent to

Jane’s book

All images inserted by Markdown must be accessed online. Height and width cannot be directly specified in Markdown.

Special characters

What if we want to insert special characters like >, *, and so on in Markdown? These special characters are simply preceded by a backslash /.

Writing specifications

Can you write with so much grammar? That’s not enough. We also need to learn some of Markdown’s writing rules.

Add Spaces between Chinese and English


CCTV is the CCTV channel.


CCTV is the CCTV channel.

Add Spaces between Chinese and English and digits


I spent 1000 yuan on double Eleven this year.


I spent 1000 yuan on double Eleven this year.

Spaces should be added between numeric units


This hard drive is 10 terabytes.


This hard drive is 10 terabytes.

Don’t reuse punctuation marks


I spent 1000 yuan on this year’s Double Eleven!


I spent 1000 yuan on double Eleven this year!! ??

Use the correct case for proper nouns


Please login with WeChat.


Please login with wechat.

Full Angle and half Angle symbols

If you do not know the full Angle and half Angle symbols, please check the full Angle Baidu Encyclopedia.

Full – Angle punctuation is used in Chinese paragraphs.


A: hi! Hello!


A: hi! Hello!

Use half – Angle punctuation in English sentences


I Belive You.


I Belive You.

Research shows that people who don’t like to add space between Chinese and English when typing will have a hard time in their relationship. So we must develop a good habit of writing standard oh!

Let’s have fun using Markdown and get started!


  • Markdown syntax description
  • Chinese copy layout refers to north