—- abandons useless information flow and focuses on improving core strength. Self summary

  1. How do we define a manager at work? A manager is one who coordinates and supervises the work of others so that organizational goals can be achieved. A manager’s job is not about personal achievement, but about helping others do the same. This means coordinating work across departments.
  2. What are the categories of managers in an organization? Traditional organizational structures like pyramids. Managers are divided into three categories: grass-roots, middle-level and high-level. The grassroots are the most common, commonly known as first-line, frontline managers. Grass-line managers control 80% of the core productivity.
  3. What does a manager do that? The first is management: designing, coordinating and supervising the work activities of others. The second is efficiency: putting in as little as possible and producing as much as possible. Do the right thing. In order to achieve high efficiency, high effectiveness.
  4. The manager’s intelligence: plan, organize, lead, control; That is, setting goals, developing strategies, developing plans + coordinating activities to determine what needs to be done, how and who will do it. After encouraging corresponding behaviors, performance control was carried out. To achieve the goals of the organization.
  • What did you just get promoted to a management position do? Being a manager means you have a larger area of responsibility to think about and keep in mind the goals of the organization, the work and how your employees will approach them. It is incumbent on any team member to report to you now to think about development opportunities. How can you help them on the path to growth and success?
  • Just promoted to a management position? Change from team member to team manager. First of all, in different positions, you need to set an example. Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire./Do not do to others as you would not have them do to you. Also, you need to start setting boundaries. Many people don’t understand the difference between business and friendship. If you are a leader, you need to take responsibility first. Be careful about what you say or do to others outside of work.