A, effects,

Sku is a common feature of mall projects. Here is an implementation of Flutter.

Second, the use of

 itwo_flutter_sku: ^ 0.0.1
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1. Data processing

The back end usually returns data in, or some other format.

[{"id":1."stock":100."skuName":"Memory: 16 g | CPU: I5."
        "id":2."stock":100."skuName":"Memory: 16 g | CPU: I7."
        "id":3."stock":100."skuName":"Memory: 32 gb | CPU: I5."}]Copy the code

To traverse, slice, or otherwise convert the data returned from the back end to this format:

    List<ISkuBean> dataList = List<ISkuBean>() .. add(ISkuBean(iSkuBeanId:1, iSkuStock: 100, skuTagMap: {"Memory": "16G"."CPU": "I5"}))
      ..add(ISkuBean(iSkuBeanId: 2, iSkuStock: 100, skuTagMap: {"Memory": "16G"."CPU": "I7"}))
      ..add(ISkuBean(iSkuBeanId: 3, iSkuStock: 100, skuTagMap: {"Memory": "32G"."CPU": "I5"}));
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2. Use mode

Used in widgets

      padding: EdgeInsets.all(20),
      child: Sku(
        skuBeanList: dataList,
        zeroStockSelectEnable: false,
        onSelected: (sku) => print('${sku.toString()}'),),),Copy the code

When the skU is correctly selected, the three tag constructors provided by the selected SKU in the constructor are returned in onSelected to facilitate customization

    Key? key,
    required this.skuBeanList,
    required this.onSelected,
    this.zeroStockSelectEnable = true.// Whether skUs of 0 inventory are optional
    this.normalItemBuild,// Optional tag
    this.selectedItemBuild,// Selected tag
    this.disableItemBuild,// Unusable tag
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