1. Create remote library:

  2. Create remote library address alias:

    1. Git remote -v displays aliases of all remote addresses
    2. Git remote add
  3. Git push [alias] [branch]

  4. Git clone

    • Effect:

      • Download the complete remote library to the local
      • Example Create the origin remote address alias
      • Initialize the local library
  5. Team member Invitation:

    1. Archived failureUpload againcancelArchived failureUpload againcancel
  6. Remote warehouse content pull:

    1. pull=fetch+merge

    2. Pull in two steps:

      1. Git fetch [remote repository alias] [remote branch name]
      2. Git merge: git merge
      3. You can use git checkout to checkout what you want to pull from your local repository
    3. Git pull [remote library address alias]

  7. Collaboration across teams:

    1. External aid operation:

      1. Foreign aid pull down, local operation, and delivery to their own remote warehouse
    2. Warehouse original administrator operations:

      1. To view:
      2. Dialogue and exchange:
      3. Code review:
      4. Submit merge:
      5. Pull changes from remote libraries to your local repository
  8. SSH Login (Optional, not common)

    1. Go to the current user’s home directory: CD ~
    2. SSH directory: rm -rvf.ssh
    3. Run the following command to generate the SSH key directory: ssh-keygen -t rsa -c [email protected]
    4. Go to the. SSH directory: cd.ssh
    5. View the file list: ls-LF
    6. Run cat id_rsa.pub to view the contents of the id_rsa.pub file
    7. Copy the id_rsa.pub file, log in to GitHub, click user profile picture →Settings→SSH and GPG keys
    8. New SSH Key
    9. Enter the copied key information
    10. Back to Git bash create a remote address alias: Git remote add origin_ssh [email protected]: atguigu2018ybuq/huashan. Git
    11. Push files to test