

A few months ago, we launched a new feature: Make your operations more predictable (I) – ECS system Events support users to restart and schedule operations. With this function, when the hardware of the physical machine where your cloud server is located may have security risks and need to be migrated, you can decide the time to solve the problem by yourself, so that you feel that you can control the situation reliably. Now, this capability has been enhanced to give you a fuller picture of the health of your instance resources.

Active operation and maintenance of all events

You may have noticed that on the ECS Console events page, there is an option for all events

Like the event to be processed, we still use region as the category of all events. Click the region name to view the system events of instances and disks in each region.

Instance TAB page

Let me start by saying what you’ll see in the list of instances of the entire event page for system events:

There are three main types of events:

The event type Type description
Restart due to system maintenance instance System plan events that trigger instance restart due to scheduled maintenance or active o&M
The instance was restarted because of a system error Unexpected system events that trigger migration or restart due to host hardware or software failures
The instance was restarted because of an instance error An unexpected system event that causes an instance to restart due to a system crash caused by an internal operating system error

The type of system maintenance instance restart is what you see on the pending page, and you have free control over the event.

The event life cycle can be:

state State property State description
To perform Intermediate state Plan status, not executed
Has been to avoid A steady state Actions on instances during the user action window prevent system events from being executed at scheduled points in time
The execution of Intermediate state A system event is being executed
Has been performed A steady state The system event is complete
Has been cancelled A steady state ECS voluntarily cancels planned system events
failure A steady state Description Failed to execute the system event

In this page, you can filter the event type and event lifecycle to see the instances you want to view, based on the header filter we provide.

Disk TAB page

Let’s take a look at the information that the disk page can present to you (disk here refers only to the cloud disk) :

We can see the state of the cloud disk

The types of disk events are displayed here

In addition, we provide quick links to pending event pages and help documents.


This page gives you a very intuitive view of the health of your instances and disks. You can not only see the resources that are currently having problems, but also see the resources that have had problems and the point in time when the problem was solved. Do you have more control over your resources?

The original link