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The 2020 national college Entrance examination (GAOKAO) has officially ended, and a new wave of young faces have appeared in treasured graduation photos of students whose parents once imprinted their best looks on them. Open the family album, found that parents’ graduation photos were “sealed” in the album too long. The precious photos began to change color and distort. Do you want to recreate mom’s beautiful black hair and dad’s handsome eyes?

OPPO recently developed a new function — “AI Old Photo Repair”, which can repair the lines, Outlines, colors and details of old photos. As long as you have an OPPO Reno4, or your OPPO phone is equipped with ColorOS 7.0 or above, and the album version is 7.2.5 or above, You can download “OPPO LAB” from the “app store” and have the super ability to “update” your parents’ graduation photos.

Now let’s get a taste of how amazing this powerful hack technology can be to restore a discolored, distorted graduation photo.

Often heard of their parents’ love of classmates, my father took out a picture, said that this was the last group photo taken by several good friends before their graduation. My parents often talked about the aunts and uncles who had accompanied them through those young years. Thirty years after the reunion, these uncles and aunts have been fathers, mothers, face also more traces of some years. And AI repair, let them return to the graduation of the pattern of youth.

Creative graduation photos are not unique to this era, everyone wants to leave a special mark on their youth. My father said that this picture in military uniform was a precious memory left by him before graduation, because he always had a dream of being a soldier. His posture was straight and his eyes were firm. The AI repair made my father’s dream of being a soldier clearer.

Regardless of region and time, my parents that time also have school flower school grass such popular figures. My mother said that my father was also the school grass, and there were many fans. When I opened the album, I saw my father’s photos when he was young. Try AI repair again, instantly the outline of dad’s facial features become clear, see the picture of the handsome boy with thick eyebrows, big eyes and high nose bridge, I know that my mother’s words are not a bit false.

From graduation to marriage, sincere and moving love is presented in this wedding art photo, retro colors are exclusive to their era filter. Even without a beautiful face and powerful Photoshop, my parents are demure and elegant, handsome and tough. The AI repair made the wedding photos richer and fuller, and mom’s western-style red dress took on an entirely new look.

In addition to parents love, grandma and grandpa hold your hand, and son xielao good let me sour.

Happy family photo, overflow full sense of the era.

Take out old photos of your home and try out the “AI Repair” feature. Click on the video below. Just turn on the AI Repair, select the photo, and swipe your finger to make the blurry old photo clearer.

Click the video below to see how to use the AI repair feature.

You must be wondering how such ai hacking technology was developed, so let’s take a look.

Step 1: Establish Baseline algorithm

The repair of an old photo needs to go through face detection, image denoising, image blur, image compression blur, super resolution and other different dimensions of technology, we should not only integrate these multi-dimensional image repair technology into the old photo repair function, but also ensure the effect of repair. Therefore, I decided to build a better and efficient model to make the restoration of old photos more realistic. OPPO took a series of repair technologies of different dimensions as the basic model of AI repair, and then thoroughly reviewed them, and finally got the original model of the algorithm — Baseline algorithm.

Step 2: Select high-quality training data

Selection of training data is a key step in the development process, the quality of training data and the suitability of specific tasks will directly affect the results of artificial intelligence algorithm development. OPPO selects high-quality data through specific peer data acquisition, data cleaning and data classification, thus creating an excellent artificial intelligence algorithm.

Step 3: Model optimization and parameter adjustment

Model optimization and parameter adjustment is another difficult bone in research and development. This process requires a lot of time and patience to find the best set of “model + parameter” CP among many possible permutations and combinations of data, like a needle in a haystack. Through the programmer’s patience to find, although not less hair, but fortunately hit that group of developers are satisfied with the best CP.

Step 4: Lock the algorithm boundary

Engineers need to conduct specific algorithm boundary tests, and repeatedly question and challenge the original developed algorithm. Only when the specific boundary of the algorithm is locked, can the specific business design be organized.

Using simple operations to achieve complex functionality, OPPO had to bypass many stumbling blocks to get it right. This wave of operations makes OPPO truly a smartphone “time machine”, a click back to the youth.

In fact, OPPO began to invest in the field of artificial intelligence as early as 2015, and established a related research and development team. Earlier this year, At the CVPR, a global computer vision conference, OPPO took first place in the “extreme super-resolution perception” category, using a technique called “supersegmentation” to make blurred images clear. AI repair takes advantage of similar technology. In the future, OPPO will continue to focus on and invest in the field of artificial intelligence to create more wonderful moments for users’ lives.