Recently saw some opportunistic seek personal gain, such as the geek time paid courses, they crawl down via the informal technologies, for sale at a lower price, I think geek time products will gradually increase the intensity of the security, if found to resell, must be get-tough, finally smugglers actually didn’t earn much money, also be prosecuted.

Planet, have I mentioned earlier knowledge is also paid content, and then add some more good planet, to send the good post inside to his own planet, the low price to pay to join another planet, seek personal gain by handling means, really shameful, original distributors through their own efforts to get experience, then share it to people, but by others to steal, In fact, it was not easy to continue sharing. Fortunately, the planet the porters opened was sealed, which stopped this kind of knowledge transfer.

If someone copied my public article to their own article, also did not indicate the source of reprint, I think I will also report to wechat, everyone is eager to be fair, do not like people who get something for nothing, opportunistic is a bottomless pit, once you start, it is difficult to stop down to earth.

Everybody doing sideline also is same, down-to-earth do products, to meet the needs of users, don’t put a large amount of energy used to research on vest bag, or artificial brush some downloads or comments, in a short period of time may have resulted in findings that wheeling is only temporary, but don’t feel smart ignores the importance of accumulation, Many people who look stupid focus on one direction and end up achieving something, but the smart people never understand how it works.

Pay attention to my should do technology partners, there are a lot of people should be heard with the technological don’t like to talk about money, just want to reassure do technology, I think most people want to make more money, we through their own ability to make money, don’t steal not to rob, this have no what can’t take out, what’s more, we make money through technology, products like I do is to make a living, Good user experience that is for more users, so that will make more money.

Now I am writing a I’d like to summarize your thoughts, also have to make money, it’s no hiding anything, to do fine with a vulgar person, you can see there are ads at the bottom of the article, there will be a little neglected, although it is to make money, but every article is my experience, I will try my best to provide value for every reader, Is helpful to later comers, poor quality of the article no one read.

Why figure out how to make money first?

This is key, especially as a product, only to make money you can stick to it, I think most people, so this time technical people do product can teach a problem, always want to use what kind of cattle technology, everything yourself, when you have finished a year later, the time window of this product has passed, a cow product is not used again, In fact, there are many third-party plug-ins that can quickly assemble a product, after all, we are not so high-end technology to make unmanned cars.

Think more about how to make money is actually to consider the problem of your product business model. If your product has been unable to retain users and generate profitable cash flow, it is often the problem of the business model. At this time, I think it is appropriate to consider timely stop loss.

Share so much today, I hope my readers can down-to-earth to make money, opportunistic will never form a barrier, unsustainable.

More exciting articles on wechat public number: Jin Guangyue