In data processing projects, word cloud is often seen, this article will teach you how to make an Echarts word cloud in a VUE project. An image from Github.

Import the cloud map API

npm install echarts

npm install echarts-wordcloud

Copy the code

Add Echart to main.js

import echarts from 'echarts';

Vue.prototype.$echarts = echarts;


Copy the code

Use cloud images in your pages


Data Format


       "value": 112,

       "name""08 was good to go."



       "value": 231,

       "name""08 Strong"



       "value": 131,

       "name""Start with lavida 08"



       "value": 223,

       "name""1.0T2.0 is just right"


Copy the code

The complete Echart function

drawLine() {


     let myChart = this.$echarts.init(




     let option = {

       title: {

         text: "Hot word".

         textStyle: {

           color: "#148D75".


         top: 14,

         left: 26,


       series: [



           size: ["80%"."80%"].

           rotationRange: [0, 0],   

           textPadding: 0,

           autoSize: {


             minSize: 14,


           left: "center".

           top: "center".

           right: null,

           bottom: null,

           textStyle: {

             normal: {

               color: function() {

                 return "#056E71"




           data: [{

value": 112,

name":"The 08 runs fine"



value": 231,

name":"Strong paragraph 08"



value": 131,

name":"08 Lavida start with"



value": 223,

name":"1.0 t2.0 just right"







     myChart.setOption(option, true);


Copy the code

Call the echarts function


- The value can be mounted or createdCopy the code

The effect

The words in name are randomly colored

Modify the return value of textStyle

 textStyle: {

            normal: {

                color: function () {

                    return 'rgb(' + [

                            Math.round(Math.random() * 255),

                            Math.round(Math.random() * 255),

                            Math.round(Math.random() * 255)

                        ].join(', ') + ') ';



            emphasis: {

                shadowBlur: 10,

                shadowColor: '# 333'



Copy the code
