

1 < HTML > 2 <head> 3 <title> 4 </title> 4 <style> 5 table{border:1px solid #050; } 6 .fontb{color:white; background:blue; } 7 th{width:30px; } 8 td,th{height:30px; text-align:center; } 9 form{margin:0px; padding:0px; } 10 </style> 11 </head> 12 <body> 13 <? php 14 require "calendar.class.php"; 15 echo new Calendar; 16? > 17 </body> 18 </html>Copy the code


1 <? php 2 class Calendar{ 3 private $year; 4 private $month; 5 private $start_weekday; 6 private $days; 7 function __construct(){ 8 $this->year = isset($_GET["year"])? $_GET["year"]:date("Y"); 9 $this->month = isset($_GET["month"])? $_GET["month"]:date("m"); 10 $this - > start_weekday = date (" w ", mktime (0, 0, $this - > month, 1, $this - > year)); 11 $this - > days = date (" t ", mktime (0, 0, $this - > month, 1, $this - > year)); 12 } 13 14 function __toString(){ 15 $out .='<table align="center">'; 16 $out .=$this->chageDate(); 17 $out .=$this->weeksList(); 18 $out .=$this->daysList(); 19 $out .='</table>'; 20 return $out; 21} 22 23 private function weeksList () {$24 week = array (', ', 'a', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'); 25 $out .= '<tr>'; 26 for($i=0; $i<count($week); $i++){ 27 $out .= '<th class="fontb">'.$week[$i].'</th>'; 28 } 29 $out .= '</tr>'; 30 return $out; 31 } 32 33 private function daysList(){ 34 $out .= '<tr>'; 35 for($j=0; $j<$this->start_weekday; $j++){ 36 $out .= '<td>&nbsp; </td>'; 37 } 38 for($k=1; $k<=$this->days; $k++){ 39 $j++; 40 if($k==date('d')){ 41 $out .= '<td class="fontb">'.$k.'</td>'; 42 } 43 else{ 44 $out .= '<td>'.$k.'</td>'; 45 } 46 if($j%7==0){ 47 $out .= '</tr><tr>'; 48 } 49 } 50 while($j%7! =0){ 51 $out .= '<td>&nbsp; </td>'; 52 $j++; 53 } 54 $out .= '</tr>'; 55 return $out; 56 } 57 58 private function prevYear($year,$month){ 59 $year = $year-1; 60 if($year<1970){ 61 $year=1970; 62 } 63 return "year=($year)&month=($month)"; 64 } 65 66 private function prevMonth($year,$month){ 67 if($month==1){ 68 $year=$year-1; 69 if($year<1970){ 70 $year=1970; 71 } 72 $month=12; 73 } 74 else{ 75 $month--; 76 } 77 return "year=($year)&month=($month)"; 78 } 79 80 private function nextYear($year,$month){ 81 $year=$year+1; 82 if($year>2038){ 83 $year=2038; 84 } 85 return "year=($year)&month=($month)"; 86 } 87 88 private function nextMonth($year,$month){ 89 if($month==12){ 90 $year++; 91 if($year>2038){ 92 $year=2038; 93 } 94 $month=1; 95 } 96 else{ 97 $month++; 98 } 99 return "year=($year)&month=($month)"; 100 } 101 102 private function chageDate($url="index.php"){ 103 $out .= '<tr>'; 104 $out .= '<td><a href="'.$url.'? '.$this->prevYear($this->year,$this->month).'">'.'<<'.'</a></td>'; 105 $out .= '<td><a href="'.$url.'? '.$this->prevMonth($this->year,$this->month).'">'.'<'.'</a></td>'; 106 $out .= '<td colspan="3">'; 107 $out .= '<form>'; 108 $out .= '<select name="year" onchange="window.location=\''.$url.'? year=\'+this.options[selectedIndex].value+\'&month='.$this->month.'\'">'; 109 for($sy=1970; $sy<=2038; $sy++){ 110 $selected=($sy==$this->year)?" selected":""; 111 $out .='<option '.$selected.' value="'.$sy.'">'.$sy.'</option>'; 112 } 113 $out .= '</select>'; 114 $out .= '<select name="month" onchange="window.location=\''.$url.'? year='.$this->year.'&month=\'+this.options[selectedIndex].value">'; 115 for($sm=1; $sm<=12; $sm++){ 116 $selected1=($sm==$this->month)?" selected":""; 117 $out .= '<option '.$selected1.' value="'.$sm.'">'.$sm.'</option>'; 118 } 119 $out .= '</select>'; 120 $out .= '</form>'; 121 $out .= '</td>'; 122 $out .= '<td><a href="'.$url.'? '.$this->nextYear($this->year,$this->month).'">'.'>>'.'</a></td>'; 123 $out .= '<td><a href="'.$url.'? '.$this->nextMonth($this->year,$this->month).'">'.'>'.'</a></td>'; 124 $out .= '</tr>'; 125 return $out; 126} 127} 128? >Copy the code

The results are as follows: