PK creative Spring Festival, I am participating in the “Spring Festival creative submission contest”, please see: Spring Festival creative submission Contest

The effect

experience Send page Get the page New Year greeting posture recognition page

First, give red envelopes

This article addresses

Two, get a red envelope

This article addresses

Three, New Year gesture to get red envelopes

Need to make New Year’s greetings to the camera action can receive

  • Train of thought

    • Use wechat # CameraFrameListener to capture every frame of the camera
    • Send to the back end
    • The back end sends to the human key point failure service and returns to the key point after failure
    • More key point to judge whether it is a New Year greeting posture
    • If yes, grab the red envelope
    • If not, continue to identify
  • code

    • Small program
    <view> Camera <view style="">
                <camera device-position="front" flash="off" frame-size="small" @error="error" @initdone="xiangji"
                        style="width: 100%; height: 100vh;"></camera></view> Indicate whether the posture is correct <view v-show="gesture_error" class="background_image"
                style="z-index: 999; margin-top: 170rpx; width: 530rpx; margin-left: 110rpx;">
                <u-alert type="warning" :show-icon="true" :title="gesture_title" :center="true"></u-alert>< / view > border < imageclass="background_image" src=""></image> Pop box after receiving red envelope < U-modal :show="res_lingqushow" :confirmText="redPacketReceive.buttonContext"
                <view class="slot-content">
    xiangji() {
        this.listener = this.ctx.onCameraFrame((frame) = > {
            // To avoid going too fast, decide whether to deal with it
            if (this.flag == true) {
                this.flag = false
                console.log( instanceof ArrayBuffer, frame.width, frame.height)
                / / the images change my into [[r, g, b, a], [r, g, b, a], [r, g, b, a]], to the python into images
                // The front-end UPNG can also be converted to pictures, but the real machine is very slow
                let data = new Uint8ClampedArray(;
                let list = new Array
                for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i += 4) {
                        list.push([data[i], data[i + 1], data[i + 2], data[i + 3]])}// Send to the server
                uni.$'/redPacket/infer', {
                        imgArray: list,
                        width: frame.width,
                        height: frame.height,
                        redPacketUserId: this.redPacketUserId,
                        redPacketId: this.redPacketId,
                }).then(data= > {
                       // Determine if the posture fails
                        if (data.gestureStatus) {
                                // Stop monitoring. A result dialog box is displayed
                                this.gesture_error = false
                                this.redPacketReceive = data
                                this.res_lingqushow = true
                        } else {
                                // Do not identify the top prompt, continue to identify
                                this.flag = true
                                this.gesture_error = true
                                this.gesture_title = data.message
                                console.log("New Year greeting posture not recognized.");
                }).catch(err= > {
                        console.log("err:" + err)
                        setTimeout(() = > {
                                this.flag = true
                        }, 3000); })}})this.listener.start({
                success: function(res) {
                        console.log("Start listening."); }}); },Copy the code
    • The back-end
    // The code is messy, but it works
    publicResult<? > infer(UserBo userBo, RedPacketInferVo redPacketInferVo) {long s = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // Call the identifying end
        String post = + "/infer/array_buffer", JSONUtil.toJsonStr(redPacketInferVo));
        long e = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("Use time:" + (e - s));
        // Convert the result
        JSONObject jsonObject = JSONUtil.parseObj(post);
        if (new Integer(20000).equals(jsonObject.getInt("code"))) {
            // Data can return more than one person
            JSONArray dataArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("data");
            if(dataArray ! =null && dataArray.size() > 0) {
                // Take your shoulders, elbows and wrists
                JSONObject data = dataArray.getJSONObject(0);
                JSONObject left_shoulder = data.getJSONObject("left_shoulder");
                Double left_shoulder_x = left_shoulder.getDouble("x");
                Double left_shoulder_y = left_shoulder.getDouble("y");
                JSONObject right_shoulder = data.getJSONObject("right_shoulder");
                Double right_shoulder_x = right_shoulder.getDouble("x");
                Double right_shoulder_y = right_shoulder.getDouble("y");
                JSONObject left_elbow = data.getJSONObject("left_elbow");
                Double left_elbow_x = left_elbow.getDouble("x");
                Double left_elbow_y = left_elbow.getDouble("y");
                JSONObject right_elbow = data.getJSONObject("right_elbow");
                Double right_elbow_x = right_elbow.getDouble("x");
                Double right_elbow_y = right_elbow.getDouble("y");
                JSONObject left_wrist = data.getJSONObject("left_wrist");
                Double left_wrist_x = left_wrist.getDouble("x");
                Double left_wrist_y = left_wrist.getDouble("y");
                JSONObject right_wrist = data.getJSONObject("right_wrist");
                Double right_wrist_x = right_wrist.getDouble("x");
                Double right_wrist_y = right_wrist.getDouble("y");
                // Read posture
                if (Math.abs(left_shoulder_y - right_shoulder_y) < 20) {
                    if (Math.abs(left_shoulder_x - right_shoulder_x) > 70) {
                        if (Math.abs(left_wrist_x - right_wrist_x) < 70) {
                            if (Math.abs(left_wrist_y - right_wrist_y) < 20) {
                                if (right_elbow_y > right_shoulder_y || left_elbow_y > left_shoulder_y) {
                                    if (right_wrist_y < right_elbow_y || left_wrist_y < left_elbow_y) {
                                        if ((right_wrist_x > right_elbow_x && right_wrist_x > right_shoulder_x)
                                                || (left_wrist_x < left_elbow_x && left_wrist_x < left_shoulder_x)) {
                                            System.out.println("Good posture.");
                                            // Call the red envelope interface if the gesture is correct
                                            return receive(userBo, new RedPacketVo()
                                        } else {
                                            System.out.println("My hands are not in the middle."); }}else {
                                        System.out.println("Hands over elbows."); }}else {
                                    System.out.println("Elbows less than shoulders."); }}else {
                                System.out.println("Abnormal wrist height."); }}else {
                            System.out.println("Abnormal wrist width."); }}else {
                        System.out.println("Abnormal shoulder width."); }}else {
                    System.out.println("Abnormal shoulder height."); }}}return Result.success(new RedPacketReceiveDto()
                .setMessage("New Year greeting posture not recognized.")); }Copy the code
    • The human body recognition
    import json
    import time
    from django.http import HttpResponse
    # Create your views here.
    from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
    import det_keypoint_unite_infer2 as keypoint
    # Base64 Image recognition
    def base64(request) :
        res = {}
        if request.method == 'GET':
            res['message'] = keypoint.main()
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps(res))
            json_str = request.body
            body = json.loads(json_str)
            img = body.get("img")
            data = keypoint.base64(img)
            res['message'] = 'success'
            res['code'] = 20000
            res['data'] = data
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps(res))
    # [[r,g,b,a],[r,g,b,a],[r,g,b,a]
    def array_buffer(request) :
        res = {}
        if request.method == 'GET':
            res['message'] = keypoint.main()
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps(res))
            json_str = request.body
            body = json.loads(json_str)
            img_array = body['imgArray']
            width = body['width']
            height = body['height']
            data = keypoint.array_buffer(img_array, width, height)
            res['message'] = 'success'
            res['code'] = 20000
            res['data'] = data
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps(res))
    Copy the code
    # Prediction with given data
    def predict_with_given_det(image, det_res, keypoint_detector, keypoint_batch_size, det_threshold, keypoint_threshold, run_benchmark) :
        rec_images, records, det_rects = keypoint_detector.get_person_from_rect(
            image, det_res, det_threshold)
        keypoint_vector = []
        score_vector = []
        rect_vector = det_rects
        batch_loop_cnt = math.ceil(float(len(rec_images)) / keypoint_batch_size)
        for i in range(batch_loop_cnt):
            start_index = i * keypoint_batch_size
            end_index = min((i + 1) * keypoint_batch_size, len(rec_images))
            batch_images = rec_images[start_index:end_index]
            batch_records = np.array(records[start_index:end_index])
            if run_benchmark:
                # warmup
                keypoint_result = keypoint_detector.predict(
                    batch_images, keypoint_threshold, repeats=10, add_timer=False)
                # run benchmark
                keypoint_result = keypoint_detector.predict(
                    batch_images, keypoint_threshold, repeats=10, add_timer=True)
                keypoint_result = keypoint_detector.predict(batch_images,
            orgkeypoints, scores = translate_to_ori_images(keypoint_result,
        keypoint_res = {}
        keypoint_res['keypoint'] = [
            np.vstack(keypoint_vector).tolist(), np.vstack(score_vector).tolist()
        ] if len(keypoint_vector) > 0 else [[], []]
        keypoint_res['bbox'] = rect_vector
        return keypoint_res
    # Top-down joint forecasting
    def topdown_unite_predict(detector,
                              save_res=False) :
        det_timer = detector.get_timer()
        for i, img_file in enumerate(image_list):
            image, _ = img_file
            # Predict pedestrians
            print("Pedestrian start time: {}".format(time.time()))
            results = detector.predict([image])
            print("Pedestrian end time: {}".format(time.time()))
            # Determine if pedestrians are predicted
            if results['boxes_num'] = =0:
            # Forecast key points
            print("Key point start time: {}".format(time.time()))
            keypoint_res = predict_with_given_det(
                image, results, topdown_keypoint_detector, keypoint_batch_size,
            print("Key end time: {}".format(time.time()))
            # draw_pose(img_file, keypoint_res)
            skeletons, scores = keypoint_res['keypoint']
            skeletons = np.array(skeletons)
            kpt_nums = 17
            if len(skeletons) > 0:
                kpt_nums = skeletons.shape[1]
            if kpt_nums == 17:  # plot coco keypoint
                EDGES = [(0.1), (0.2), (1.3), (2.4), (3.5), (4.6), (5.7), (6.8),
                         (7.9), (8.10), (5.11), (6.12), (11.13), (12.14),
                         (13.15), (14.16), (11.12)]
            else:  # plot mpii keypoint
                EDGES = [(0.1), (1.2), (3.4), (4.5), (2.6), (3.6), (6.7), (7.8),
                         (8.9), (10.11), (11.12), (13.14), (14.15), (8.12),
            NUM_EDGES = len(EDGES)
            # (int(np.mean(skeletons[j][i, 0])), int(np.mean(skeletons[j][i, 1])))
            res = []
            for j in range(len(skeletons)):
            skeleton_index = {
                0: 'nose'.1: 'left_eye'.2: 'right_eye'.3: 'left_ear'.4: 'right_ear'.5: 'left_shoulder'.6: 'right_shoulder'.7: 'left_elbow'.8: 'right_elbow'.9: 'left_wrist'.10: 'right_wrist'.11: 'left_crotch'.12: 'right_crotch'.13: 'left_knee'.14: 'right_knee'.15: 'left_ankle'.16: 'right_ankle'
            # I is the bone and j is the person
            for i in range(NUM_EDGES):
                for j in range(len(skeletons)):
                    skeleton_res = res[j]
                    skeleton_res[skeleton_index[i]] = {
                        'x': skeletons[j][i, 0].'y': skeletons[j][i, 1]}return res
    # Task identification model path
    det_model_dir = ' '
    keypoint_model_dir = ' '
    Failed type OF GPU CPU
    device = 'GPU'
    # Pedestrian detection model
    # Take the pedestrian detection model path
    pred_config = PredictConfig(det_model_dir)
    # Detector type: Lightweight detection model PicoDet
    detector_func = 'Detector'
    if pred_config.arch == 'PicoDet':
        detector_func = 'DetectorPicoDet'
    # Load model
    detector = eval(detector_func)(pred_config,
    # Key point detection model
    # Select key points to detect model path
    pred_config = PredictConfig_KeyPoint(keypoint_model_dir)
                   arch] == 'keypoint_topdown'.'Detection-Keypoint unite inference only supports topdown models.'
    Load the keypoint detection model
    topdown_keypoint_detector = KeyPoint_Detector(
    # predict base64
    def base64(base64_image) :
        img_list = [decode_base64_image(base64_image, {})]
        # Top-down joint forecasting
        keypoint_res = topdown_unite_predict(detector, topdown_keypoint_detector, img_list)
        return keypoint_res
    # predict array_buffer
    def array_buffer(img_array, width, height) :
        img_list = [decode_array_buffer_image(img_array, width, height, {})]
        # Top-down joint forecasting
        keypoint_res = topdown_unite_predict(detector, topdown_keypoint_detector, img_list)
        return keypoint_res
    Copy the code


Technical points: red envelope cent algorithm, grab red envelope to prevent multiple, prevent multiple money, identify New Year gesture

Learning points: distributed lock, allocation of red envelope amount, small program arrat_buffer processing