Let me give you an idea of the major browsers

Learning about the web front end, browsers and editors are our friends so it’s important to know a little bit about browsers such as: What are the major browsers

Major browsers

Mainstream browsers have a certain market share and have their own independent development of the browser kernel can also be called the native browser, which we commonly have: IE/Edge, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox and the qq browser, uc browser that we all use a lot are shell browsers that just take the core of the native browser, simplify it, wrap it up,

Well, today is October 29, 2016 and I’m going to show you today’s browser market share statistics

Net Market Share

From this chart, we can see which browser has the most customers

Sure enough, Chrome is still far ahead. Yeah, I think Chrome is the best browser…

Browser kernel

Rendering Engine (Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine, Rendering Engine) It can be isolated and the kernel and changes in major browsers are as follows.

Major browsers The kernel
IE -> Edge trident->EdgeHTML
Chrome webkit->blink
Safari webkit
Firefox Gecko
Opera Presto->blink

Edge is Microsoft’s version of Windows 10.

Browser JS engine

The JS engine is used to interpret and execute JS code when extending it

Major browsers Js engine
IE -> Edge JScript (IE3.0-IE8.0)/Chakra (IE9+)
Chrome V8 (Famous)
Safari Nitro (4 -)
Firefox SpiderMonkey (1.0-3.0)/TraceMonkey (3.5-3.6)/JaegerMonkey (4.0-)
Opera Linear A (4.0-6.1)/Linear B (7.0-9.2)/Futhark (9.5-10.2)/Carakan (10.5-)

SpiderMonkey is the first JS engine written by Brendan Eich, the father of JavaScript, while he was at Netscape

Here are some pictures

Internet Explorer, the winner of the first browser war, ended up being abandoned by Microsoft. 22W lines of code must have been a struggle for Microsoft for a long time. Finally, Microsoft made the difficult decision to develop Edge engine from scratch

Once IE made use of the Monopoly of Windows to develop its own independent “IE standard” once IE did not update for five years, until it realized that it was too late and then THE launch of IE7, IE8 (the root of the evil of compatibility) made it questioned and criticized

Said so much actually I just want to say chrome is really great (~ ~ ▽ ~) ~ just kidding also hope you remember the lesson of IE finally finally give you an old saying… (although it has nothing to do with the title)

Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back. — “Zengzengxian wen”

The above is the main browser kernel and JS engine content, more relevant content please pay attention to PHP Chinese website (www.php.cn)!

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