Install ZSH plug-in for ANTIGEN Management

> brew install antigen
Copy the code

Configure the ~ /. Antigenrc

# Load oh-my-zsh library.

antigen use oh-my-zsh

# Select theme.

antigen theme romkatv/powerlevel10k

# Load bundles from the default repo (oh-my-zsh).antigen bundle git antigen bundle z antigen bundle autojump antigen bundle common-aliases antigen bundle extract antigen  bundle d antigen bundle zsh_stats antigen bundle take antigen bundlecommand-not-found

antigen bundle docker

# Load bundles from external repos.

antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-completions

antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions

antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting

# Tell Antigen that you're done.

antigen apply
Copy the code

Configure ~/.zshrc to restart iTerm2

# Load Antigen

source /usr/local/etc/antigen/antigen.zsh

# Load Antigen configurations

antigen init ~/.antigenrc
Copy the code
> source ~/.zshrc
Copy the code

Configure the PowerLevel10K theme

Restarting iTerm2 will result in p10K topic configuration interaction, if not, manually

> p10k configure
Copy the code

Install the fonts

P10k configure will install the recommended MesloLGS NF font

If garble still appears, manually download MesloLGS NF font, P10K url
