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An introduction to the

Decision stump, also called decision stump, is a simple decision tree. In the second installment, we talked about the principle of decision tree. Now we will build a single layer decision tree, which makes decisions based on a single feature. Since the tree divides only once, it is essentially a stump.

Build a simple data set

Let’s start by building a simple data set to make sure our function works.

Import numpy as np import pandas as pd # def get_Mat(path) dataSet = pd.read_table(path,header = None) xMat = np.mat(dataSet.iloc[:,:-1].values) yMat = np.mat(dataSet.iloc[:,-1].values).T return xMat,yMatCopy the code
xMat,yMat = get_Mat('simpdata.txt')
Copy the code

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Import matplotlib. Pyplot as PLT plt.rcparams ['font. Sans-serif ']=['simhei']# show Chinese %matplotlib inline # def showPlot(xMat,yMat): Array (xMat[:,0]) Y = Np.Array (xMat[:,1]) Label = NP.Array (yMat) plT. scatter(x, Y, C =label) plt.title(' Single layer decision tree test data ') the code
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3. Construct a single-layer decision tree

We will build two functions to implement our single-layer decision tree: the first tests whether any value is less than or greater than the threshold we are testing. The second function is slightly more complex, loops through a weighted data set and finds the single-layer decision tree pseudocode with the lowest error rate as follows:

  • Set the minimum error rate minE as +∞
  • For each feature in the dataset (layer 1 loop) :
  • For each step size (layer 2 loop) :
  • For each inequality sign (layer 3 loop) :
  • A single-layer decision tree is established and predicted by weighted data set
  • If the error rate is lower than minE, the current single-layer decision tree is set as the best single-layer decision tree
  • Returns the optimal single-layer decision tree
Def Classify0(xMat, I,Q,S): re = np.ones((xMat. Shape [0],1)) # if S == 'lt': Re [xMat[:, I] <= Q] = -1 # If less than threshold, assign -1 else: re[xMat[:, I] > Q] = -1 # If greater than threshold, assign -1 return reCopy the code
def get_Stump(xMat,yMat,D): M,n = xmat. shape #m is the number of samples Steps = 10 # Initialize a step bestStump = {} # store the stump information in dictionary form bestClas = np.mat(np.zeros((m,1))) # initialize the classification result as 1 minE = Np.INF For I in range(n): Min = xMat[:, I].min() # step = (max-min)/Steps # step = (max-min Range (-1, int(Steps)+1): for S in ['lt', 'gt']: # Lt: less than, Gt :greater than Q = (Min + j * stepSize) # Calculate threshold re = Classify0(xMat, I, Q, Err = np.mat(np.ones((m,1))) # err[re == yMat] = 0 # eca = D.T * err # {I}, threshold: {np. Round (Q, 2)}, mark: {S}, weighted error: {np. Round (eca, 3)} ') if the eca < mime: MinE = eca bestClas = re.copy() bestStump[' feature column '] = I bestStump[' threshold '] = Q bestStump[' flag '] = S return bestStump,minE,bestClasCopy the code
Shape [0] D = np.mat(np.ones((m, 1))/m) #Copy the code