1. Baidu search snIP, enter the official website to download directly, do not use MAC App Store to download, because this version does not support scrolling screenshot

  2. Once downloaded, double-click to open “snip_v2.0_5771. DMG” and then double-click to install it

  3. If you double-click install and the window shown below pops up, you’ll need to set up your MAC system

  4. By default, MAC security does not allow you to install apps downloaded directly from the Internet. To set this option, go to System Preferences. Click Security and Privacy.

  5. Then you can continue to install SNIP, follow the instructions directly continue

  6. When the installation is complete, the “Preferences” button will pop up automatically, and the scrolling screenshots cannot be set for the time being, again due to apple’s security mechanism

  7. Let’s go back to System Preferences

  8. Click to go to “Security and Privacy”, then click on the “privacy” option, find the “accessibility” option, then unlock and allow SNIP

  9. In this way, SNIP can set the scrolling screenshot. If you do not follow the above Settings, setting the scrolling screenshot will not take effect

  10. The key is how to use the scroll capture function: first you should take a screenshot of an object with a scroll area, such as a long web page, and then start taking a screenshot with a left click, rather than a drag

  11. When you click, a popover like this pops up, and when the progress bar is finished, it automatically captures the image

! [recommend a support roll under Mac screen capture software "(https://p3-juejin.byteimg.com/tos-cn-i-k3u1fbpfcp/2f06488d46b14606b4c44e308defb5f4~tplv-k3u1fb pfcp-zoom-1.image)Copy the code

Matters needing attention

  • Don’t use the AppStore for downloads

  • Screen shots should have scroll areas

  • Click the left mouse button instead of dragging and holding down the left mouse button