PHPStorm IDE Shortcut (MAC) ⌘ — Command

⌃ ——Control

⌥ – Option/Alt

⇧ – Shift

⇪ – Caps Lock

Fn — The function key is FN

Edit Command+ Alt +T with (if.. else, try.. catch, for, Command+ Alt +/ Comment/uncomment and block comment Alt +↑ Selects code block up Alt +↓ Selects code block down Command+ Alt +L formats code TAB,shift+ TAB Control+ Alt +I Quickly indent Command+C copy Command+X cut Command+V paste Command+ Shift +V Select Paste Command+D from the clipboard to copy the code copy Command+delete Delete the current line Control+Shift+J Clear indentation to a single line Shift+ Enter quick newline Command+ Enter Newline cursor is still in the original position Command+ Shift+ U case conversion Command+ Shift +[,Command+ Shift +] file TAB quick switch Command+ plus,Command+ minus shrink code block Command+ Shift + plus, Command+ Shift + minus shrink the entire document block Command+W close the current file TAB Alt + click the cursor in multiple places Control+ Shift +J Indent the following line up Shift + F6 Advanced modifications, Alt +/ code completion \ can quickly modify the cursor on the label, variables, functions, etc

Debug Control+ Alt +R Run item Command+Control+R Run Debug Command+F8 add breakpoint Command+ Shift +F8 open breakpoint list \

Navigation Command+O jumps to a class Command+ Shift +O jumps to a file Command+ Alt +O jumps to a symbol Control+←,Control+→ Go to the up/next editor TAB F12 Open the previously opened tool window (TODO, terminal, etc.) Command+L Jump to the line Command+E pop up the latest file Command+ Alt +←,Command+ Alt +→ Navigate forward and backward to the interface of code blocks (usually blank lines) Command+shift+delete navigate to the previous edit location Command+B jump to the variable declaration Control+J get information about the variable (type, comment, etc., Command+Y small float window displays variable declaration line Command+[,Command+] switch cursor position now and previous position Command+F12 file structure popup menu Alt +H class hierarchy F2, Shift +F2 Command+↑ Jump to navigation F3 Add bookmark Alt +F3 Add bookmark with mnemonic Alt +1, Alt +2… Switch to the corresponding mnemonic bookmark location Command+F3 to open the bookmark list \

VCS/ Local History Control +V open VST small float window Command+K Submit project Command+T Update project Alt + Shift +C open the list of recent changes \

Search and replace Command+F Search Command+R replace Command+G Find the next Command+shift+G Find the next Command+ Shift +F search by path Command+ Shift +R replace by path \

Select the word search Command+F7 to search the declared place and select Command+ Shift +F7 to open the search box to search Command+ Alt +F7 to open the small float window to display the search list \

Operation on project files (reconstruction) F5 Copying files to a directory F6 Moving files to a directory Command+delete Safely deleting Shift +F6 Rename \

Command+shift+ reverse switch (switch between different open projects) Command+ Shift +A Command+1,Command+2… Open various tool Windows Alt + Shift +F Add files to favorites Alt + Shift +I Open project description Alt +~ Quickly switch current plan Command+, Set the editor to switch between the Control+Tab Tab and the tools window alert+ Enter to display the NPM version upgrade list